I bet he’s sorry. Sorry that his ratings have been sinking like a stone while both Colbert’s and Kimmel’s have steadily risen for the last two years. Sorry indeed.
I bet he’s sorry. Sorry that his ratings have been sinking like a stone while both Colbert’s and Kimmel’s have steadily risen for the last two years. Sorry indeed.
I’m sorry if I made anyone mad.
Please continue to yell at the “judgy millennials” with one hand and jack off to your Betty Boop porn with the other.
“Have some respect for the office if not the man!”
I don’t think he will ever be able to walk in peace on a New York street again.
Please stop your millennial scapegoat bullshit already. Millennials pretty much run places like Tumblr and Deviantart which is almost exclusively cartoon porn. So sit down.
Did your Sears catalog not have an underwear section?
I would be willing to wager most millennials have jacked it to a cartoon character.
You obviously don’t know many millennials, and/or you’ve never heard of tumblr or DeviantArt.
Cuban here. You are wrong in every aspect of this. Good day.
I’ve said this elsewhere but, you know those ‘patriot’ types don’t give two shits about little brown children. It’s only ‘tyranny’ when someone is trying to ‘take’ something from them (or make them pay their fair taxes).
Odd that another open Russian puppet would do something like this.
Also bear in mind that the United States is the only country not to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that “a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will.”
I feel like I’m going crazy because I don’t see enough people going crazy.
No more human rights, I guess, Goodie.
You expressed the frustration I feel better than I ever could. Don’t apologize.
So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is…
Forget comparing it to Nazi Germany. Compare it to America. The trail of tears. Japanese internment camps. The left wing falls asleep and lets the right wing take over. Deplorable shit happens.
55% support wrenching children from their mothers’ arms