Emperor Sheev

Idk where this girl came from but I’m already tired of her.

That header image is the most shady thing I’ve seen all week. But, like.. if anyone deserves it..


Ungray all the comments with the most stars, coward! lmao

Love the open homophobic attacks against Gayle and Oprah over on Twitter for this. “How dare you question my rapist icon, CLOSET LESBIAN?” Black Twitter never change.

This was bad.. and this shit is only gonna get worse. Pardon the overused phrase, but this really is a slippery slope of partisan fighting we’re gliding down. The days of Boehner’s pompous smirks and frowns behind Obama seem almost quaint when compared to this. I can’t see a way this gets better -- we have to hit rock

Is that cloud up there a racist symbol?

Well? Didja shut the fuck up, Malia? 

Y’all so pressed to be outraged for real.

“I used a boost to skip the entire game and it felt pretty empty.”

The hell is wrong with this place? Y’all nasty.

He was still 100% right in slapping that woman’s arm away though. 

Okay but when did he call her a liar on national television, though? We’re stuck in a he-said,she-said closed doors scenario, so all we have to go by is what they’ve publicly said, and Sanders never called her a liar at any point, he only denied the allegations. So it seems like she’s hell bent on framing this in a

This show stopped having any sort of quality sometime around season 4. And even before then, every season would wobble and go off the rails about half way through (a staple of everything Ryan Murphy writes). Quantity over quality.
Jessica Lange had the right idea; she dipped as soon as things started to get really bad.

Why is this syphilitic ghoul famous again? I blame y’all for giving him the attention and video clicks. 

But in reality David WAS in favor of “modernizing” the monarchy and did want to change it. He wrote extensively on how much he hated being king and all the protocols around him.
Not all revolutions and “revolutionaries” are good, however.

The combat is by far the worst thing for me as well. But I honestly just kind of powered through it for the plot and got used to it in time. 

an apology to fans upset by the last Star Wars film’s attempts to let girls play too

I wouldn’t know who this rat bastard was if people weren’t making articles about him dying. Let him rot in irrelevance; why do I need to be reminded of the “nappy-headed hoes” thing? Girl bye.

the Royal Taser