Emperor Sheev

This shit is gonna be wild when The Crown season 6 rolls around. Can’t wait.

I’ve said it a million times before and I’ll say it a million more times: Twitter (and Facebook) are the biggest plagues of the 21st century.

Well, uh, the books aren’t done yet, so I can’t really tell you where they end on that subject matter. But GRRM’s entire message about The Others (literally named after “othering” and dehumanizing an enemy) is anti-war. That’s the ultimate message of the series: pointless political bickering and fighting in the face

The entire point of the story is the throne doesn’t matter, and the book (and show) literally begins with the White Walkers. That’s the first thing we’re introduced to. So.. good job missing the point, I guess.

It’s fake drama to get idiots to write articles like this.
There’s literally zero conflict here because all they have to do is get married. It’s the only logical political match for either of them too.

Can you imagine what the reactions would be if a man wrote an article going, “X famous woman has ruined my life by cutting her hair short.
UH UH UH UH! — before you even try it, just because they’ve done it before doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to do it now. No one should be doing it.  

He ugly.

Wow what a galaxy brain take. Here you go, an overused comic for your overused, stupid response.

The fact you made this tasteless comment and people have given you so many stars for it only highlights how trash this place is.

Not a single article about the church burning itself — just tripping over yourself to comment on every utterance this idiot president does. You people are obsessed. 

What the hell is a Jojo Siwa?

Oh wow I love LA gangs now. 

Again, another sizzling hot take. “The US military is an objectively evil brown people killing machine.” So fresh. Only a mild hint of 1960's hippy delusion.

What an incredibly woke take. I especially like the “all military personnel are imperialistic murderers” angle -- nuanced, inspired. 

Wow you guys are REALLY going hard at this “eating your own” thing, huh? And this early on, too.

Listen, man. We don’t really need you to tell us what “all lives matter” means and the harm inherent in ignoring what police are doing in black communities and communities of color—clearly we knew. We just want to know why you didn’t, and why it took you so long to figure it out.

Why do women (almost always straight women) feel they’re entitled to be part of every space at all times? Gay bars (to say nothing of Pride events) have become a playground for straight women to go gawk at the animals like they’re going to a fucking zoo. And god help you if you say anything.
I would never want men — of

This is a weird little niggle the show ran into when they decided to make the character of Shae more sympathetic and have actual feelings for Tyrion. In the books, there’s never any question (not even with Tyrion) as to what Shae is and why she’s with him — she’s a gold digger whose only position is as a whore. She

Okay bye

Just got out of HPV surgery two days ago. It is not a fun time for me, folks. I had never so much as been warned against HPV or been told there were vaccines for it until it was too late. Now I’m up to my eyeballs in bills and have to sit on a stack of pillows all day long.
Anyway moral of the story is don’t fucking