just like no one would think to announce that the white community is
just like no one would think to announce that the white community is
Is this supposed to make me feel better? Muslims by and large all over the world are EXTREMELY anti-gay. Shit, more than half of muslims in the UK alone think being gay should be a punishable offence. So nice try, but no; both religions are still overwhelmingly crap.
Bite your fucking tongue. We’ll have that book by next year.
Indira Varma is a boss ass bitch and amazing actress. Don’t blame her for the shit this show has become.
Georgia resident like him here — I have literally never heard this phrase either. No idea where this cunt waddle got that from.
Bitch please. EVERYBODY and their mother has some form of herpes at this point. HPV is in roughly half the entire population. And most strains are completely harmless.
She’s tryin’ real hard to dig at that gold.
Why was this giant powerful fortress completely abandoned without a soul inside for 3 years? It is LITERALLY right next to King’s Landing..
Why the fuck would Cersei not send a small garrison to retake and hold Dragonstone? Euron’s ENTIRE FLEET sailed right by Dragonstone on its way to see her, why did he not leave some forces there?
“I’M NO HOSTAGE” is exactly what a hostage being held against her will or brainwashed would say. smh @ peepee daddy
Yeah, I foresee this being a problem. A lot. Maybe they should have kept both characters a bit more balanced? Idk.
Because men are evil and how dare they. Etc etc.
Just how Ghost in the Shell was an American movie made for Americans first, right?
How fuckin awful for you.
I don’t. She’s apparently as much of a shit bag off camera as she was in the show. I’m only sad she didn’t keep coming back every season so they could beat her up all over again.
Boy howdy, Shookus got me SHOOK!!
The story is literally about a girl getting bitten by a snake and dying. What the hell else constitutes as “hurting” someone? There are a lot of practices all over the world that are backwards and inhumane no matter how you cut it. You can put away your feigned ultra-liberal indignation now.
THIS ^^^^^^^^
Why the fuck is a Lucario shoehorned in there if it’s supposed to be Gen 1?
Anime is a cartoon that was produced and made in Japan. This is not anime.
This ^^^^
I don’t understand why people keep torturing themselves with the comp in this game. Which has ALWAYS been trash. Play quickplay and have fun for a change.
So stop playing exclusively in Competitive. Quick Play is the most played mode for a reason. Have some fucking fun for a while. That’s what I do. Comp in this game has always been bullshit.