The media doesn’t give a fuck about what’s ethical or morally right or even smart anymore. If it gives them ratings, they’ll cover it. Everything has to be “balanced” and both sides have to be heard. Except they only do it so the talking heads get into bitchy arguments on live tv like an episode of Real Housewives.
So maybe change this character so he isn’t SOLELY useful to a 6-man team that’s in full communication.
I’ll take that. I’ll take anything to buff him a little tbh.
Zarya is one of the best foils to D.Va, actually. The only people that Winston can kill is Genji, Ana and maybe a really bad Tracer. That’s it. I can easily take him out with anyone else. He’s super situational and useless in most matches.
Dude needs fixing, and I’m not the only one saying this.
Either make his shield a little stronger or reduce its cooldown. OR just make his gun stronger. Any one of these would make him a ton more useful.
Winston can be countered by everyone and their mother and he’s completely useless against every tank + half the game. Old Symmetra was more useful than current Winston and she had to have an overhaul.
Neither of those characters need any “love”, since they’re already very strong and very popular. Winston, on the other hand, is still garbage, and they haven’t done anything to fix him.
That spider image is taken from very early concept art. That woman (and yes, if you look closely it is a woman with robot spider legs coming out her back) was actually Zarya’s original concept. You can see her much better and up close in other early concept art. The laser she’s shooting is the same as Zarya’s current…
The only time I’ve stepped foot inside a Chick-Fil-A since all that shit went down was when I was given a gift card to go there. I’m not missing much.
How does it feel to sell your morals for sub-par, shitty fast food? I imagine it feels greasy.
This is a bad post. Apply yourself.
That guy continues to puzzle me to this day. For a long time I was convinced he was actually just some straight(ish) troll pretending to be an over the top gay man. But, um.. I guess not? Which is even more depressing.
I’m actually pretty surprised you didn’t point out the part where Milo basically said transgender people are mentally ill perverts looking to rape/molest children and Maher just sat there next to him nodding along, occasionally throwing out one or two mild wrist-slaps.
Every single fucking time I see this “what are you playing this weekend” post it’s a picture of the Witcher. Every. Fucking. Time.
Why are these fucking 10 year old gremlins in trendy bars?
Yes, please bring back this arctic shaggy giant creature into our sweltering, melting shrinking hell hole of a world. I’m sure they’ll fit right in.
Cue the regular Pewdiewhatever the fuck apologist slogan:
“It’s not MY thing but pls stop making fun of him he’s super talented~ :)”