Emperor Sheev

That’s pretty much where I’m at right now. It’s the fabled and secret sixth stage of grief: Pettiness. I know I’m going down with them, but I dont give a damn. I want to see them — all of us — suffer horrendously under this conman they were fleeced by. I want them to regret having done this until their dying day..

You’re not missing anything.
At least where the “mainstream” tv media stations are concerned, it’s still a mess. Places like CNN are still stuck in their election coverage mode, except now they’re fawning over every little thing Trump does with a 24/7 coverage cycle without calling him out or offering any sort of

He’s about to stack the Supreme Court for decades to come. So just give it a little time.

Never underestimate the zealotry of unemployed chinese kids.

Kind of embarrassing to be the “childhood friend” of a mass-murdering dictator, but alright.

He’s wrong, but not ENTIRELY wrong.
The truth is almost the majority of the millennial vote that went towards Trump was based entirely on stuff like this: “Trump is gonna make the internet great again/get rid of the evil SJWs/get rid of ‘PC culture’” etc etc. No, nobody voted for Trump because there are “37 genders” —

SSHHH!!! You can’t call them Neo Nazis or fascists! You’ll alienate potential viewers! It’s the “alt-right” now, okay?

I’ve been a pathetic Symmetra main (one of 8) since beta and there are tears in my eyes. Literal hard-light construct tears.
I dont know if these changes will be good yet, but I’m so glad they at least did something. She was by far the least loved hero in that whole game.


But..... Gumshoos actually looks more like Trump.

led him down a dark path of panic attacks, self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

And when Trump insulted his POW past (and by extension every POW in the history of our country), he tucked tail and continued to lick his boots. When Trump’s shady dodging of veteran donations surfaced, he tucked tail and continued to lick his boots.

See, the worst thing about this is, you can’t even hope for Trump to die. Because the man who will replace him is even WORSE than Trump.
This is an absolute shit show we have to swallow raw.

lmfao @ people still using this “two bad candidates”/lesser of two evils bullshit one day before election. A “jackass”? Really? Are you 12?
There is zero comparability between them. Like, zero. One is an extremely qualified candidate with plans and the other is not. Whether you think they’re “cool enough” for you is

D-D-D-DAMN! Shut him the FUCK down!

Yeah from a narrative perspective Death Note is all over the place. It builds up to a climax, then it gets there and then... keeps going. And adding new characters, and more meandering and more convoluted plots. And it all falls really flat. If it had been shorter (nothing after L), then it would’ve been better.

She’ll be announced during Blizzcon next month, people. Like, how is this not obvious to everyone? I knew this is what they had planned for months now, ever since their first cop-out. Maybe most people didn’t want to believe it cause it’d be so anti-climactic and lame, but that’s what we’re getting. This ARG thing was

Good. I’m sick of there being hundreds of videos of spoilers, reviews and “hot takes” about a game two weeks before it’s even out from everyone and their grandma.

If you reach any harder you might pull your back.

I love eating chocolate. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna throw up if I eat chocolate all day every day for ten years.