Emperor Sheev

But Gwent is literally the worst part of Witcher 3 =/

Does anyone watch the Ubisoft stuff for anything other than cringe? C’mon now; that’s what we’re all here for. I wonder what sort of hilarious dank memes they’ll have this year.


People are spending actual money on these? C’mon, guy. Have some self-control.

I’m sure this guy was interesting and made quality content at some point, but everything new I’ve seen from him (them?) is bottom-of-the-barrel click-bait shit. Also his little e-persona is incredibly obnoxious.

Was this supposed to be funny?


Yes, thank you, weeb-san. I needed some visual backup.

Boy... Did you just XD at me?

... who?

Yeah I haven’t been able to watch any video on any of Gawker’s sites for a while now. It’s probably adblock. Which means tough titties for Gawker, cause that’s not coming down.

who the hell is Athena?

Guess who lives in Cobb County less than 20 minutes away from this thing? :D
Guess which county is solidly upper-middle class while also being solidly “no high taxes” Republican? :DDDD

I usually try to be fair and give my vote to whomever did best on my team. But a lot of times, yes, that person IS me, and I don’t feel even slightly ashamed for liking myself. I generally reserve these for the support classes (which almost always get the shaft in play of the game).

I would literally kill — I mean straight up murder someone — to get a good Song of Ice and Fire game. And not based on that fucking show either, I want it straight from the books. The two GoT games we’ve gotten have been god awful.

This is an article about Overwatch, not The Division.

So far I like how this gen is shaping up...

That’s one more mode than you have: Bitch Mode 24/7.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve saved my entire fucking team as Mercy or Zenyatta and completely turned the tides, but sure, give the play of the game to the Hanzo who used his cheap dragon thing through a wall and killed three people. That’s fine too.

I wanna have sex with 25 highschool dudes in a bathroom.. <:c