Emperor Sheev

I love how this is actually one of the founding cornerstones of Donald Trump’s campaign, too. If you ask any Trump supporter under the age of 25 why they like him, they all unequivocally say it’s because he’s “not PC” and/or will somehow “change politically correct culture.”

Bye Fallujah.

Well, I wouldn’t quite rush to any conclusions in naming him the world’s most heterosexual man after seeing the games he’s made.

Yeah... uh.. yes.
If you honestly thought season 5 was “the best one yet” you need to get your head examined.

Please stop harassing GRRM-daddy. <:c
He’s a frail old man and the more you prod him, the more he’s gonna feel bad and the harder he’ll die. I need to see the end of this story without HBO’s fanfiction take on it. Thanks.

Robert Yang is a goddamn gay visionary genius and we need more from him. Enough said.

My boyfriend showed me a gay porn VR demo. It was whatever, gave me a headache; I was more focused on the shitty lime green curtains they had in the background.

He would be 10,000 times hotter if he shaved off that Sasquatch pube shrubberie growing on his face.

Wonder Woman has always been a one-trick-pony character with a very narrow purpose (gurl power!). If her shtick is feeling “bland”, that’s probably because it is.
I’ve very rarely seen writers try to add depth to her or any sort of meaningful personality without falling into the same tired old bullshit.

Rest in piss

RIP World of Warcraft.

I wouldn’t say impeccable, but certainly not on the shit-gurgling tier that is Gears of War, no.

Honey I wish I’d look like my avatar.

Who the hell asked for this game? I imagine the 12 year old boys that catapulted the first title into infamy are a little bit older now, right? A little more more sensible and with better taste?

Can somebody please explain to me what exactly “the gay lifestyle” is? I keep hearing this phrase, but I don’t know what it means. Please explain, cause I feel I may have been living the entirely wrong lifestyle this whole time.

Not gay people? I haven’t watched American Idol since maybe 2007.

Why is it that every time Blizzard does anything it’s always, without question, something stunningly stupid? Have these people made a single good decision within the past 5 years?

Holy shit, an actual logical comment that made it out of the grays and actually has stars? What madness is this?!

Is this news? Nobody rapes a woman just because they’re women and hate them. They rape because they’re horny and violent.

Honey, you’re a Jezebel writer. You’re really not.