Oh look, another Gengar fanboy girl. How surprising.
I guess I should at least be thankful you didn’t have Charmander/Charizard as number one.
Oh look, another Gengar fanboy girl. How surprising.
I guess I should at least be thankful you didn’t have Charmander/Charizard as number one.
Maybe they’ll actually remember to include a story and characters in the sequel. Whoops.
About damn time. Every time I see the painfully hamfisted titty shot in my video game, I expect to see TWO flopping cock scenes. NO — I want THREE dicks for every tit. For too long have we been silent, FOR TOO LONG have we had to hide our pixelated wangs in shame.
I want video game dick and I want it NOW!
Needs moar Fire Emblem characters
I’ve tried playing GTA online so many times and I just cannot enjoy it one iota. There’s absolutely nothing of value to get out of it other than screaming kids and idiotic manchildren shooting at each other “because.” Then again, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed anything multiplayer-related that Rockstar has ever made.
Omg so progressive so progressive and feminist. Pats on the back, everyone. Pats on the back all around. Good job, good job. So progressive.
Almost every (3-1) hardcore Bernie supportor I’ve ever interacted with has been a woman. So I dunno how true the “-bro” part is.
What is this game even about? Time-travelling hipster lesbians and angst?
I’m so sick of the Joker, dude. That heinous Suicide Squad movie isn’t even out yet and I already have Joker fatigue.
Yeah, well, you see...
Japanese people having absolutely no tact when it comes to homosexual (and most times heterosexual) relationships. What a shock. Call the press.
“What has always been amazing to me is that she purports to be a feminist and yet only steals from other female comedians.”
I could never get into New Vegas to be honest.
I was hot off of Fallout 3 and loving it (despite a fairly weak ending) and right from the start New Vegas was a let down. I think it was just the atmosphere and setting. Everything seemed so dull and bland. I got like 25% into the game and never touched it again.
OH MY GOD! You silly willies, you almost went a full day without reminding everyone how AMAZING AND BRILLIANT AND INSPIRING Undertale is!
Are you kidding? That drug lord is like a rock star down there. There are EASILY more people rooting for him than against him. She’s only going to become more popular if anything else. Which really shows you how fucked up that whole place is cause she really should be in jail by now.
Oh I forgot I was in Jezebel. Please forgive my mansplaining ways. Good eve, m’lady.
Where do the hormones your body naturally produces fall into this? Is that a social construct too? I’m sorry, my progressive semantics just aren’t as advanced as they should be.
Apart from being one of the key defining attributes of my specific gender, not much.
My penis, too, is imaginary.
Oh no harm at all. I’m sure middle school is gonna be great for them.