I’ve long held to the belief that what is canon is what YOU make canon. If there’s something I like, then as far as I care, it’s canon to me. Same with what I don’t consider canon (i.e. that CGI series)
I’ve long held to the belief that what is canon is what YOU make canon. If there’s something I like, then as far as I care, it’s canon to me. Same with what I don’t consider canon (i.e. that CGI series)
If Blizzard spent half the time they do including super hilarious and witty “easter eggs” and pop culture refrences on instead making this game good again, this would be a much better world.
I understand you have a job to do, as PewDiePie’s official internet representative and image consultant, but I was merely reiterating a point. What I, or “the kids now a days” find funny is irrelevant; I was just saying the person you replied to is right in almost everything they said.
Where is the lie though? That is literally how people like PewDiePie became famous: yelling, swearing and exaggerating everything. He’s admitted this; it attracts younger kids because they find it funny.
Star Wars Battlefront is a mess.
People complain about lack of content because there is a lack of content. Go figure.
I hope they didn’t fix the duplicating items for the crafting system glitch.
Oh no.
I remember having finished Episode 2 back in highschool and being glued to my computer waiting for Episode 3 to drop any minute. Any minute now.
Half-Life 2 (and even 1) were pioneer games for their time. HL2 introduced things to the FPS genre that games have been copying to this day. Whatever “made an impact” on you is your take, but HL2 was a huge landmark for video games. That one’s a fact.
I HOPE this is the last Uncharted.
I’m so sick of this MOBA trend. I can’t wait until it blows away and gets replaced by something marginally less shit.
I don’t know what I dislike more about Undertale, the actual game or how incredibly annoying its fanbase is.
I don’t understand people’s dislike of the Brotherhood. They’re by far the lesser evil. They DO have a duty to liberate the Commonwealth, because they’re the only ones who can. Who else is gonna clean up that place? The Institute is chaotic evil. The Railroad has its own agenda of saving synths and nothing else. Who?…
Say what? My only options are turn them off, destroy them, or have them go renegade and shoot everyone.. including myself. How can you make them your allies?
Women can be soulless, ignorant fuckwads too. What a revolutionary concept.