
It will always give you a selection of lower level missions, dont worry. The power curve in this game is forgiving in a way, and it waits patiently for you.

No, never restart Darkest Dungeon. You have lost some characters and trinkets, but all the town investments are still there, and won’t go away. Especially on regular mode, the game is about throwing away characters after they’ve moved beyond usefulness, or gotten killed. You can’t just keep one A-Team through the

Goddamn, QFG2 is one of my two favorite games of all time, up there with StarControl 2. I hacked through that thing with no outside guidance, typical of the time, and incredibly atypical of my other experiences with Sierra games. Traditionally, I had gotten stuck in Sierra games and been incapable of progressing

Congrats on finishing Mafia 3. I really liked the first ... I dunno ... half of the game. Then I got tired of it and quit.

Sprint Vector sounds exactly like the sort of thing that I wanted from VR. Of course, I never actually got a VR rig, but still.

I played around with the very first intro tutorial bit in Duskers, and noped straight out. I love the programming and vector graphics aspect of it, but I could imagine the stress and terror that were coming, and simply could not face it. Someday, maybe.

Yes, it sadly drags somewhere in the midgame ... even on Radiant mode, where it is so much faster to advance. But damn, Darkest Dungeon is so atmospheric and hilarious and wonderful, and that narrator’s voice is just superb.

I try to treat miniature painting this way. There is no fucking way that I’m going to clean, assemble, and paint a unit of goddamn Stormguard in a single setting ... that would be insane. But, spread out in 45 to 90 minute chunks over three weeks, while listening to Jalen and Jacoby talk about basketball and bullshit

I’m glad you are enjoying Prey. I loved that game, but it’s prickly enough that a lot of people bounced off it last year, and the critical consensus was mixed. But damn, it was good.

I, too, have the experince with Stellaris of ... start the game, get wiped out mercilessly. It is kind of brutal ... and boring ... because there is not much one can do to avoid the whole “get wiped out” part of the game without becoming an annoying min-max powergamer, which kind of defeats the purpose of playing.

Aw man, AutoDuel! That was one of my favorite games on the Apple II, and I was actually kinda okay at it. I’ve been kinda hoping forever that something like it would be made again — top down, stats-based vehicular mayhem. It inspired me to check out the source material, the tabletop Car Wars game, which I absolutely

Congrats on beating the master of the Soul Sanctum and getting your Geo back!

You know how when you’re a kid, and you don’t really understand that you just aren’t enjoying something? That, maybe, a particular piece of entertainment just isn’t good? That was me and adventure games.

Woot! Minis wargaming represent!

The Soul Sanctum boss is a real bastard. I remember making an attempt on him, then giving up, and coming back a lot later after leveling a fair bit.

I’m in a pretty serious gaming lull at the moment. I was sick for a week, which knocked me out of my rhythm with Battlefield One, and I’ve not managed to go back yet ... or to pick up anything else. I really oughta spend a bit more time and properly engage with Divinity Original Sin 2, but it’s hard to jump into

It’s also the official theme song to the Rock, Paper, Shotgun weekly Steam Chart roundup.

It seems like killing someone with a motorcycle, and killing them with a frying pan, should not be mutually exclusive.

Yes - and there is NO other site in which I felt it worthwhile to sit and read through 300+ comments. On the old AVClub, that was a regular occurrence.