Leland Davis

Wasn't that just between the different humanoid types prevalent on the Ringworld, all of which had split apart from the original Pak strain? I certainly don't remember any hot Puppeteer on Kzinti action.

Maybe it's just me, but I really enjoyed Omega.

I really enjoyed Inquisition. Best of luck with it.

I do hear the Division has become a lot of fun, recently.

I really liked Space Run, and got SRG in a bundle, so I need to start it up. That is a much better game than it looks like at first glance.

Tyranny would be a great Iron Man option if the combat wasn't such a goddamn pain. Seriously, even on easy I got my whole party wiped multiple times. It made me quite the game and never come back. I liked some of the ideas they seemed to have regarding combat, but it just did not work in a real-time setting. It might

Okay, it's not very little in terms of gameplay … but it feels little. In a good way. Maybe it's the characters, who are all little bugs. Maybe it's the dev team and the fact that it's an indie. Maybe it's just the fact that it's 2D. But it's not a monster giant game.

Fair enough. It really ate a bunch of time in The Witcher 3, and those maps really aren't all that big once you get to know them.

I really, really liked Hearts of Stone. Glad you saved Olgierd. He was an ass, but I think he'd really come around a lot by the time Geralt met him.

I try to avoid fast-travel, minimaps, and direction markers in games when possible. When those are all on, telling me where to go and what to do, the game stops feeling like exploration and starts feeling like tasks. Bounce here, follow arrow, do thing, bounce there, follow arrow, do thing. It's easier to stick in the

I am midway through Hollow Knight a fun little game that got lost in the AAA mega explosion of 2017.

I have wanted to get an Oculus since they were in beta. I finally bought the ultra PC that I had been promising myself forever. And … my desire for a VR rig is waning. Post release, the general impression seems to be that they are really awesome, but there's just so little to do with them. And, for less than the

You might try a Joby stand. It's this flexible tripod thing that I use to prop up my iPad. It is almost infinitely flexible, adapts to uneven surfaces brilliantly, and can even be sit to grip the edges of surfaces. It seems like the perfect Switch accessory.

Yes, because nobody has ever colonized a planet before in the Mass Effect universe. Anywhere. Ever.

What I always wonder about the Krogan is why they all wear such enormous armored carapaces, all the time. I mean, that mecha-shirt worn by every Krogan, at all times, must have at least as much mass at the head alone as the entire body.

In the brave future, EVERY game environment will actually be a product placement metaphor.

Yes, and strange "monster of the week" and "subspace anomaly of the week" plots. That could be a lot of fun.

Tali is the one that left me entirely cold. I never bonded with her at all. I don't know why.

Wow, Blaster Master. That was the first, and perhaps last, game I remember renting. My friend had an NES, and we heard about this game in Nintendo Power, and were super psyched to try it. I mean, it has a jumping and flying tank — how cool is that? That Friday night, I could barely get to sleep - we were going to hit

Think of the Wicher as two or three big games. Play through novigrad, and then put it down and do something else. Come back to it,and do skellige, keep going until it's feeling rote, than stop. Repeat until finished.