Leland Davis

Have you ever read any Laird Barron?

A strand that is quite prominent in his work, but which does not come up as much in gaming, is the interest in the deep time of the Earth, and the immense diversity of ancient life on Earth … some of which is still around. This is more than lost civilizaitons, which at most can be a few thousand years old, but rather

I've missed a couple of weeks around here.

Yay for Imperial Assault! That game is a blast.

If you're just looking for ideas, GURPS supplements, and in particular the odd and strange things they put out in PDF, may be worth checking out.

I had sort of enjoyed combat in most of DA:I, but I turned the difficulty down to easy for the last few missions in Trespasser. I was just getting tired of how long it took to kill those trash mobs, over and over.

I really wanted to like that game, but it was just too hard for me. Between my lurking acrophobia, making any climbing challenge a sweaty-palm exercise in self control, and my generally crappy skills at gaming, it just wasn't worth it.

Me too. I have no idea who these people are talking about.

Personal rivalry here — me and my superior Mrnhrmnrhmn versus all comers on the school lounge PC during my teens in StarControl 2 SuperMelee. SuperMelee was quite popular for at least a year, if not longer, and that was one of the only times when I was the legit best in my videogame group. My two ace ships were the

XCOM2 for the most part. I had a friend over two weeks ago, and we played LOTS of Imperial Assault, and then this week I was sick, so I just got back to the game. And … almost immediately realized that I was at a dead end and needed to start my campaign again. It turns out, you can't really do so well losing 1 or 2

I loved that game, and it became one of my happiest Kickstarter-backer successes. Enjoy!

Woot! Starflight 2! Yeah!

How cool would it be if, in Fallout, ANY CHARACTER ANYWHERE knew how to use a broom, dustpan, or mop?

Reddit does not seem to be a place that is conducive to the maintenance of faith in humanity.

On the other hand, the amount of total gameplay on offer in a Madden or NBA2KXX game is absolutely staggering, so in a way, maybe they are worth $150?

Given that you specified the Tokyo Olympics, you should be aware of the utter horror that is Japanese pizza.

No no, DOA Volleyball has more … stringent … physical requirements for the athletes.

I heard good things about it, I think on Rock Paper Shotgun. I too am meaning to check it out.

Don't forget Wasteland 2. Or, for a real oddity, Might and Magic X.

I agree, I cut back a lot on my melee in the later game — instead, I hacked more and more. The mods have changed it up quite a bit, and I can imagine that, maybe, melee will continue to be useful. But I do not know.