
Secondly, posting all three as posts forces me to the top, which thereby let's people notice it faster and conversation starts faster

I wrote software for The Hut back when they started.

The Hut(t) group?:P

*receives a free pitchfork*

Storage: 16GB Internal Flash Storage (expandable via USB Port)

Commenting, so hopefully I remember to download when I get home today.

It's not actually a grand strategy game. According to Johan, the PDS chief, anyways.

It took me 80 hours just to learn how to control the arcade version of Defender. I know it looks like there are only seven buttons in the picture but in reality a legit Defender arcade machine has well over thirty thousand buttons.

Now playing

This is pretty amazing, but I was almost ready for TOOL to start playing at any second (and that's a Very Good Thing!).

So, it's Marth from "Shadow Dragon" instead of "Marth" (including "you-know-what") from "Awakening"...

Wow! He has the Green Line by Henri Matisse!

Right, back to bed.

This isn't even my feline form!

The Vita can definitely use big name titles like these to make the system a bigger draw and with hopefully more developers wanting to make games on it.

... that's a really good idea, actually. I never thought of that. Like miniature horror episodes. Penny dreadfuls! Except not a penny.


Now playing

Stay classy... No real victim of that hurricane in Louisiana would sit on the fact that their levees broke and flooded the city and use that in some sort online dick swinging contest. Watching somebody lose their house to a fire caused by winds from a hurricane is nothing to start saying "Well, our storm was worse"