
Yes! Spliced Leo dialogue over the song is a vivid memory for me. I was 8 at the time and wasn't allowed to see Titanic due to nudity, so I didn't really understand why they had placed dialogue over such a nice song (even though it was overplayed to death). The last time I ever heard spliced dialogue over a song was

Despite his fried chicken and collard greens statement, Fuzzy Zoeller is still surprisingly a fan favorite on the Senior Tour.

At 8 years old, I didn't really understand why I, as an American, was supposed to feel sad about Princess Diana's death. I mean, she's British, which is the very opposite of America! That said, her death inspired the greatest beanie baby to be created, though. The Princess Diana Beanie Baby was a beautiful piece of

The New Radicals were underrated! They stuck it to that pretty boy, Beck! He needed a good put-down, that's for sure.

The Netflix MST3K didn't meet my 'Mike, destroyer of worlds' quota.

If forced on someone, absolutely, but if people choose to wear a hijab or burka, who are we to deny them their expression of faith.

He should be more confident in himself. Nothing turns people off more than being a milquetoast jerk.

As a life-long Grobanite, my desire to see the show immediately plummeted when I heard Josh Groban was out. Groban is life, man!

Oreo O's tastes exactly like I remember, though.

It's just the sweet and sour sauce with extra soy sauce! I mean, it was okay, but 10 year old me thought it wasn't anything special. The BBQ sauce is so much better!

I went through a Jefferson Davis phase myself, but my parents just let it run its course. I'm thinking this mom has the same idea.

Hey, hold your horses! If Jimmy Buffett actually sucked, he wouldn't have been able to milk off Margaritaville for 40 years!

Oh, your dad didn't call you a loser and perpetual failure in front of all your friends after shooting a 89 during a rainstorm while playing in a regional golf tournament? You are so lucky!

Ready Player One gets consumed by nostalgia, while Stranger Things makes use of it.

If any serial killer deserves a sympathetic film based on their life, It'd be Dahmer. He's a very sad dude. Now, if any killer deserves to be continually shat on forever, It'd be Leonard Lake, Dennis Rader, or Lawrence Bittaker. They don't deserve any sympathy.

She nagged her way to death, broseph.


The pilot episode was sexy af to 12 year old me. I mean, her clothes initially didn't transport with her when she did her cool silvery gel transformation, so that was pretty hot. Boy, Larisa Oleynik was in my top 3 crushes as a kid (alongside Elisabeth Shue and Irene Ng). I really hope this comment was adequate enough

Spidey has his teenage problems to deal with, though. This situation might be too much for him at this time.

Seasons 1-3 were solid. Seasons 4-5 were asinine.