
Shit like this is why people hate us anime fans.

Oh noes are you telling me both feature ice skating, coaches, and romance?! Clearly plagiarism.

It’s not like this is some deep story. It’s super plain. Have you seen the amount of garbage Hallmark pumps out? I’m sure they already have a few ice skating love stories. Stop trying to be mad.

I get that people are super protective of YOI (a canon gay romance in a sports anime, that is neither played for laughs nor ends tragically? I’m not even shitting you when I say a couple of queer friends of mine were damn nearly in tears over it. And they are both over 30).

Next up, people are going to claim that the producers of 1992's “The Cutting Edge” are time-traveling homophobic ripoffs of “Yuri On Ice.”

Ah man this made my day. You would think they would do some research before starting a petition and accusing Hallmark of copying Yuri on Ice. There are probably tons of romance novels and movies based on people falling in love while ice skating. Either with their coach, rival, or skating partner. Heck I use to watch

LOL. Something similar happened when Mad Max: Fury Road was released. The younger generation of First of the North Star fans were in up arms that a movie so blatantly “copied” their beloved manga/anime. Older fans had to tell them to STFU and explain how the original Mad Max movies were the inspiration for not just

And all this time I’ve been mad at Yuri on Ice for ripping off The Cutting Edge.

What is with people outside of Japan getting extremely upset about this while the actual author doesn’t give a care? This is exactly like Ghost of in the Shell, where the author just tells people to shut up and stop whining about “whitewashing”. When the author doesn’t care, the fans have no right at all to complain

Sounds like the normal typical behavior of anime fans that sit on the floor of Barnes and Noble and read manga for 5 hours straight.

If you cannot handle an unreliable narrator, don't seek challenging narratives.