
Even if this is real, how does it not get strong-armed out of existence by a team of lawyers? Just like Axanar. Just like every other Kickstarter project that infringes on copyrights or intellectual property. Why do people keep throwing money away at projects that clearly can’t be legally completed/released?

Seeing how she duck lips, I would send her duck pics.

You forgot one: Vontaze Burfict

Hey, maybe Porter wasn’t out there to help with Brown and didn’t get corralled by a Browns player. Maybe the ‘hair pulling’ wasn’t a case of him trying to pull away and getting caught up in a lot of long dreadlocks.

So you’re saying he’s Poe Dameron’s cousin as well?! OMG!

Just looking at some of those target budgets it’s obvious that the people proposing the projects don’t know what they’re doing.

Now playing

Yes. She has a disorder that paralyzes her vocal cords (Spasmodic Dysphonia). She has to have a yearly treatment where botox is injected into her vocal cords to release the paralysis. I don’t remember if it was on her show or a local talk show where she discussed this. You can hear her voice get progressively more

Hey, was someone translating the play calls for the Colts tonight?

Come on, we all know you’re deliberately ignoring the big studios if favor of that indie developer cash.

Fun fact: Arden Lynn also made an appearance in the very last official Star Wars Miniatures game release from Wizards of the Coast.

Mine now tends to think any object roughly pointer-sized in hand is the laser, so you have to be careful about how you handle things like a remote or pen, or the cat goes running around looking for the light.

Hot dog!

Hopefully he’ll get some elbows as well.

Payday 2.... that name’s a bit on the nose, don’t you think?

Uh, you might check, newer iMacs have RAM that can’t be upgraded/replaced.

Uh, you might check, newer iMacs have RAM that can’t be upgraded/replaced.

It seems to me the bear was all set to leave her kayak alone up until she pepper sprayed it.

Turns out there was a spider on the field.

Pretty sure there’s already a ‘Pokemon in the real world’...