
Yeah, their whole piety is a show.

Every form of Internet tracking should be illegal.

This has been bugging me for weeks with Root commenters.


“The 48-year-old Mesich, who is white, also fired 40 rounds at police before surrendering to officers.”

Now playing

Yeah, he, she, it, whatever, keeps popping up. Even got out of the greys at one point. Someone is not paying attention.

The original comment was un-greyed before it had any likes or replies somehow. 

Who keeps letting this goomba out of the greys?

I’m pretty sure he’s typing from Russia, so he probably doesn’t know anything about American laws, but he is definitely in his mom’s basement.

That strongly suggests this wasn’t simply an ‘on the spot’ form of bad decision making. The officer entered into the building with the intention of getting to shoot someone. You simply don’t go from entry to shooting an unarmed, non-threatening individual in less than a minute any other way.

Can someone email the fake Dr. Lizardo’s mom and tell her to get some Cheetos down to the basement? Also asked if her pimple-faced son thinks the penalty for delusionally walking out of a store with a bat is straight up man slaughter?


It’s part of ABC’s three-point plan to reinvigorate their long-running reality show:

We already have Ugly Big Truthers, it’s called “The White House.”

Was it with Nikki Glaser? “Not Safe”?

Pretty Little Liars is getting a reboot maybe??? [ET]

TBH - he has ALWAYS given me arrogant creep vibes. I was sort of waiting for this to happen.

They’re vehemently opposed to birth control and sex education as well. They’re super-concerned with a life developing in the womb, but they won’t do anything to improve the health of a pregnant person and therefore the fetus. And once the baby is out of the womb, they don’t care at all. Oh, and if they want an