
Seriously. I realize a tubal is much more invasive and complicated, but I bet none of these doctors performing “brosectomies” refused some men as patients since they might change their mind later.

The Venn Diagram of white people who still quote Seinfeld every day and white people who are still mad about OJ is one complete circle.

It’s terribly ironic that out of all the people who hold up President Obama as the proof that racism in America is over, exactly zero of them voted for him.

Yes, might have.

TBF I’m black and fuck those guys.

Still not enough. (Some of them) think 8 years of a black president erased 300+ years of the slave trade, not to mention its lingering aftereffects. The math simply doesn’t work out for them.

Funny, I thought it was the sound of millions of white people bringing up the one time a black man (might have) beat the system.

I was going to go to the movies this afternoon, but there’s nothing out there as dramatic as the responses to this take are going to be.

Listening to older white co-workers STILL angrily talk about OJ. Just... stop being angry. He was acquitted.

I’m just surprised a cop served any time.

he’s been really good by any measure you want to use.

I think, as a society, we have trouble with causation and correlation. Kirk Cousins isn’t a great quarterback, he’s reached his apex, and makes enough boneheaded plays that it genuinely should effect his market value.

Aren’t people encouraged to wear gloves and masks around people with compromised immune systems so you don’t get them sick?

People wear gloves all the god dam motherfucking time when serving/handling food. Outrage for outrage sake is ridiculous and getting really fucking old.

She was serving food you dumb fuck.

Replying to myself because I’ve gotten a couple of responses to this comment talking about how people or the internet just want to be “outraged” about something and that’s not really the point I was trying to make here. There are plenty of legitimate things to be outraged about...and there are plenty of people lining

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.

I highly recommend the book “Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance” by Stephen Herrero.

mystified or bored or otherwise deterred by a simple screen