
I went in 2009. I’ve never seen anything like that before. That many people, starting that early in the morning, singing call and responding with “yes we can” and “yes we did.” I saw much of DC that day (accidentally got barricaded in SE after walking from SW hotel and had to go up and around capital to get back to

The beauty of this comment is not being properly recognized.

Wait, was the point of this entire article that Phish is good at music?


In that situation, you first decide on a scale of 1 to 10 how much you care about getting delivery from this place. So long as it anything short of 9, you say “you’re absolutely right”, take the receipt back and put $0 down for the tip.

Is no one else bothered by the dude they’ve cast (Geoff Stolts) as having snared Rosario Dawson?

Hmm, she’s probably a cop now.

Huh, never actually occurred to me to change it. By the time I was old enough to change it, it would have seemed weird and wrong to do so.

Yes. I’m freaking out. Oh no, oh no. Whatever will i do?

Only ever a burden when taking standardized tests with bubble scantron sheets and trying to fit that name on a credit card.

Really? Totally cool with you for her to ignore the wife’s right to choose whatever name she wants for herself?

I’ve been rolling around Atlanta, Georgia for a month and a half with:

There should be no problem with this at all (there wasn’t in Georgia in 2010, 2012 or this morning). DrMrsmoses14 and I have taken our daughter and son with us to vote in every election since they’ve been born (2009 and 2011, respectively). Daughter and son voted for Madame Secretary President today.

Conversely, my mother to this day when saying my wife’s full name, refers to her as though she dropped her middle name when we got married and not her maiden name. Only problem is my wife decided to change her last name, not her middle.

Absolutely. But that point would be moot had they voted (Democrats in NC) in 2010 and 2014 when it was just boring midterms. That’s when the yahoos who suppressed their vote this year got elected. It’s too damn late for early voting this year, so drag your ass to the poles tomorrow so those racist ass laws can get

This is what the fuck happens when you don’t fucking vote, god dammit! Stop assuming this shit will just work out.

In this election, you’re actually required to do so.

This. Needs. More, sorry, MOAR. Stars.

Besides, even if I could get the thing put together, it’d just fall apart when I try to disassemble it the next time I move.