
True enough. I thought I remembered Warren outright giving her endorsement to Sanders, but I’m wrong. There’s certainly no love lost between Warren and Clinton, and Warren has defended Sanders on his actions more than once.

“BernieBros” is exaggerated bullshit. Some people just prefer Bernie.

I believe older Democrat men also prefer Hillary rather than Bernie according to polling?

“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”

Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”

ACTUALLY it’s more like Bernie’s backyard, as he grew up there. She’s part of the gentrification wave ;)

I doubt she thinks that, she does well in debates. This isnt about NY, it’s about Brooklyn. He knows he’ll get big turnout in that specific area, in her backyard

Sanders is awesome. But he came out in favor of marriage equality in 2009, 4 years before Clinton (not decades), and is on record as opposing DOMA on procedural grounds.

That’s ok, he’ll just have to stick with opposing the Iraq war, supporting gay marriage, opposing DOMA, and all the other progressive stances he took literal decades before Clinton found the politically expedient to believe in...

This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the

Please don’t try and downplay what these terrorist are doing.

I believe that may only be criminally, and this is a civil suit?

I think there's something that changes because she is his business manager.

I actually *asked* Santa for coal one year. For my rock collection.

I got it too, nice good samples. And now I’m a geologist/hydrologist.

Based on photos from my family in the US, wood and metal were still very prevalent into the late 1950s as the materials used for toys, but by the earl 1960s, plastic toys became dominant. I think that transition may have happened a bit later in Europe, especially in eastern Europe.

My dad grew up dirt poor on a ranch during the depression, both parents sent to the sanitarium (later died of TB). He recalls ‘toys’ as being rocks, or used soup cans; his best gift being a new toothbrush.

If this is the case (and I’m pretty sure it is) why all the anti-government paranoia by so many gun enthusiasts?

Don’t take Buzz too seriously, he’s the resident conservative extremist.

No offense intended. I knew a few very liberal staff officers in my day :)