
I have mixed feelings about watching this. I generally don’t have any problem with gun violence in shows/movies. What I have a problem with is the glorification of the person who would resort to this type of violence. I get that Frank Castle is shown as a broken, tortured soul. But at the end of the day, he’s still a

Ooh, I hadn’t seen that one. My god. The soldier choking down the cake from a gay wedding is...what’s the word for “inspired,” but bad?

Sorry to post here but…no more Savage Love?

He’s clearly the king of the pop culture hill. Would anyone dare to dispute this?

Sure they’re being “benefited.” But “helped?”

Does the Republican platform involve helping any actual (as opposed to hypothetical) human beings? And how does Mike Judge feel about this?

When did he start dating Natalie Dormer?

Because it’s embarrassing.

MAD ain’t fucking around anymore...

I got followed by a butt too! THIS IS THE FUTURE KINJA WANTS.

What struck me the most was how lazy the story was. The pilot’s brilliant “plan” was to zip around the other ship in a maneuver that we’re told is impossible, but actually looks pretty easy. The captain’s “plan” to keep the bad guys from getting the weapon is to give them the weapon...but turn it on. It’s first draft

Little and less.

Needs more references to leal servants.

It’s actually the “Rumpled Kubrick.”

I just finished The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and am starting the sequel, The Wise Man’s Fear. The AV Club called the first book “one of the best stories told in any medium in a decade.” I’d say it nearly lived up to that praise.

The only thing I read this week was the latest Star Trek: TNG Mirror Broken. It’s really fun, and clever in the way that it makes the characters evil while maintaining their key personality traits. Amusingly, they didn’t have to change Riker too much.

What I find most frustrating about the redesign is that the AV Club now just looks like the half dozen other sites I visit and obsessively reload (io9, Kotaku, Jezebel, Deadspin, Gawker (RIP)).

I just abandoned my old AV Club account. Nothing on there except heated Legend of Korra discussions. Burned it all and started fresh. But that’s me. That’s what I do. Deeeeesperado...

Guys, let’s not fight on the first day of Kinja.

TL;DR version: Nothing and we’re stupid.