Elizabeth Moore

You were correct. Black people have been murdered in the woods by white people for centuries in this nation, and excuses have been made to cover up the REAL REASONS. Look at what happened to Emmett Till. He was taken into the woods, shot there and thrown into a river with an industrial fan wired to his neck, and the

I’m a Black female Senior Citizen. She didn’t flash an AARP Card. Those cards are bright red and are clearly marked “AARP”(and boy are those HANDY!). It’s not a Medicare Card, either—actual Medicare cards are Red, White and Blue. It doesn’t appear to be a Medicare Advantage Card either. Those do not have a hole in

Yup!  What’s more is that if people want to find out information about your house, all they have to do is GOOGLE the surrounding addresses, determine your blurred address using common deduction and then use ZILLOW or REALTOR.COM to get info.  They could also use online tax databases to get info about your home as

Actually, the SCOTUS ruled on the issue of “standing” years ago. Interestingly, Texas Law actually tracks or follows the Federal rule on “standing” or a plaintiffs right to sue. Here’s how the legal basis for plaintiff (the person who is suing) standing is determined:

Oh Brother! Someone really needs to re-write this article before the lawsuit comes. I know it was written for the sensationalism of it all, but it is actually libelous.

Here’s what it would take for Americans to take those jobs. (1) Union protection with wages set at the national average wage for laborers, about $16.00 per hour and protection against wage theft. Protection against sexual harassment and the application of Right to Know laws as far as the handling of agricultural

And the REAL REASON why Americans do not want to do that work is because the “managers” who do the hiring refuse to pay more than about $2.00-$7.00 per hour for the work, with no benefits. In addition to that, the workers are not allowed any rest breaks or bathroom breaks, the working conditions are wholly unsafe, and

People don’t get and have jobs simply because they need something to do. People have jobs to support their existence. It’s all too easy to say that “resisting automation because people will lose their menial jobs is asinine and goes against the advancement of humanity,” but that DOES NOT GIVE ANY PRACTICAL ANSWER to

While this “gradual shift” happens, how do the people who do lose their jobs manage in the meantime? People have to sustain themselves daily; they must eat every day, clothe themselves every day and have housing every day. How does that happen while people are waiting for the shift? 

I’m with you.  Sounds boring, especially the First Order stuff.  And Kylo Ren?  PLEASE!  Just a badly done version of Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo) from the original SW novels.  I am not sure I even want to see the place--I’m just too much of a truefan.

Use the Firefox browser.  It allows for the blocking of all trackers if you so desire.

Other than your very first sentence, the rest is paranoia.  Default settings for home wi-fi devices are set to “share” between the devices in the home.  That includes sharing files, internet addresses searched and the like.  Wanna stop that?  Go to wi-fi settings for each device and set it to “no sharing.”

Easy answer -- DON’T OWN THESE DEVICES!  Throw them out, get rid of them.  Of course you will lose the convenience, but that is the price you pay for appeasing you own paranoia.  There is another answer too, one that most people never use.  TURN THE THING OFF!!  they do have ON/OFF switches.  Use them!

Facebook IS NOT following you everywhere. That thinking is paranoid. Your browsing history was picked up through your home wi-fi and was passed on to her FB app (on her phone, tablet or laptop). I have a thorough understanding of how wi-fi works. Happens in my home all the time. I have a laptop and my husband uses

I am sick and tired of hearing people complain about tracking. There is an EASY ANSWER to all of this. STOP USING FACEBOOK COMPLETELY. CANCEL YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. PERIOD. If you don’t want to be tracked or see ads or etc. GIVE UP YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. I don’t know why FB hasn’t caught on to this privacy nightmare.

My daughter was a Starbucks store manager and she did fire idiots who acted up. I don’t know what you are talking about. BTW, we are BLACK PEOPLE.

I am sorry, but whatever was written on the cup was blanked out so I cannot say that I even saw the slur. IF a slur was, in fact written on the cup by using a store computer, Starbucks management will easily be able to see exactly who did it and deal with them.

There are four very real dangers with paying college athletes and having schools compete by throwing money at them. (1) ONLY Male Basketball and Football players will benefit. Athletes in other college sports will see dollars for their programs dry up as the bidding wars for ever more expensive Basketball and Football

No one in their right mind can properly blame men for being afraid. Self-preservation is the first law of nature, and men do have a right to avoid putting themselves at risk. Why? Because the MeToo Movement has transitioned from righteously calling out men who are brutal sexual assaulters and harassers, to conflating