Nice narrative... i have one for you. The owner class, in their quest for evermore profits engaged in a smear campaign to depict unions as bad actors for the working class (a campaign you’ve taken your talking points from).
Nice narrative... i have one for you. The owner class, in their quest for evermore profits engaged in a smear campaign to depict unions as bad actors for the working class (a campaign you’ve taken your talking points from).
I am a huge fan of this takedown. Well done.
Yeah, with the Kochs and Sheldon Adelson owning the government, you go right ahead and depend on the government to protect your sorry, stupid ass. Why do you think there are “government protections, anyways? Out of the goodness of their hearts? Jeebus...
Now they exist to protect bad workers and artificially drive up costs.
You’re full of shit. If admin/management did its job and accurately charted worker abuses/failures, then it is very easy to fire people. Admin/management is often too lazy or stupid to do the basic legwork to fire bad employees
I don’t believe that Donald gives a fuck about anyone but himself. If he did get out of the car, it was only to get a better look at the guy getting hit with the bat.
Because they’re complete fucking idiots.
How Trump voters can simultaneously bitch about unions and lament the disappearance of well-paying jobs that only existed due to those same unions never ceases to both amaze and depress me.
My experience to OBs were a little different.
My mom is European, so I always used OBs until I switched to a diva cup. When I got my first period, I read the directions (as a lapsed Catholic, my mother obviously didn’t teach me anything about all that) and just went for it. I never got applicators. They made everything very unwieldy any time I had to get one from…
This is quite interesting. I’ll bring you out of the grays...
Sure, but the difference is that the whack jobs on the right are actually the ones in power. The people on the right who refuse to do anything—even enforce existing gun laws—are the ones in government.
You’re arguing against a strawman. Can you point me in the direction of a single legitimate liberal leader who’s made any sort of serious proposal to take away all the guns? Can you point me to a single legitimate national liberal leader—not some wingnut commenter on a liberal blog—who’s actually proposed repealing…
I’ve been a registered voter in PA for 34 years. I can’t recall ever voting for or against a candidate who held either of those two positions. Maybe the real solution is to listen to the people who are already offering common-sense reform, and/or are willing to compromise, instead of to the louder, more vocal fringe…
God, that makes watching all of Thompson’s stuff now distinctly uncomfortable. That’s an awful thing to happen to MC Chris. It also, unfortunately, makes sense, as Dan Avidan claims Matt Thompson once punched him in the groin. He told the story as a joke (which, admittedly, it’s a funny story), but Matt Thompson’s…
Here’s how Cinameblend treated Fraser’s allegations in 2014.
Think about this for a second. Dana Loesch is NRA spokesperson because she was THE MOST PERSONABLE INDIVIDUAL THEY COULD FIND TO DEFEND THEIR BULLSHIT.
But David Brooks said we need to reach out to these people. He couldn’t possibly be wrong!
I’m still expecting far more men to come forward as victims of sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood. We’re all just told to “suck it up” and have to deal with masculinity bullshit if we do come forward with abuse, sexual or otherwise.