
I also don’t think journalists are the same as “the media”. I know some amazing journalists who are not ever featured in the mainstream media and then there is Chris Cillizza.

It’s so much easier to print stuff you don’t actually believe though. That’s kind of the problem with the entire media. The real people are in the streets and in the trenches doing the work while people are spoofing the NYT editorial page.

It shouldn’t be.

Oh god, yes. We could do an entire series about the lame bitches of children’s lit. How about the mom from Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day? She had to take three boys shoe shopping.

All this. It’s like a secret Greek chorus was there all along, to tell us that most guys are more trouble than they are worth, even if they’re not into trucks or tornadoes.

My apologies, I am far less certain about what goes on in the mind of Scott Pruitt. Gazing into the abyss and all that.

Thank you for covering this. PragerU does the same thing. It’s so depressing.

I appreciate this amusing and humanizing take. This is unfortunately still Rex Tillerson though. He probably screams things like, “The stock market is just correcting itself” and “Putin probably doesn’t think my death is useful”.

Thank you. I think this kind of “to the manor born” explanation that they just don’t grasp the different between $500 and $30,000 is a large part of our problem. Which group is generally writing those headlines or reading them on MSNBC?

Ok, I think you could have emphasized some quality besides expensive here.

I would like to point out that you are actually worse than useless. Because this kind of coverage actually helps Trump. Putin only occasionally murders people because cynicism is much more useful than poison.

That is total bullshit. Obama didn’t “ramp up” ICE enforcement, but he did actually start reporting the numbers of people caught at the borders. That means his number of deportations went up because we finally counted all the people deported.

This is true, but this is an enormously important insight into how stories are told to and by journalists that we often don’t get to see.

They’re going after the First Amendment.

If you are not willing to look at statistics and instead insist your friend’s experience must be representative, I can’t help you.

Yes, they are redefining the words.

That was the first thing I thought. Please do not help the ammosexuals pretend to be good dates.

I think cynicism about how poorly the system works is not really pushing it in the right direction.

The presumption of innocence happens in court.

I am sorry that your friend is having problems, but Slut Panic is right.