
Well, I guess we can all rest assured that men’s lives are not being ruined by #metoo. Thankfully the strict, transparent and unbiased processes at the Oscars are unbesmirched.

I don’t want the government telling YouTube what it must and mustn’t publish.

It’s not only a fundraising scam: this also continues a trend that has hard rightwing people demanding that the government regulate content hosted by the largest social media platforms.

Fuck off with that “every fucking democrat” nonsense. It was really bizarre to see the head of the FBI come out hard against her days before the election, and that should have been investigated. Instead, the right managed to hold the entire system hostage. They prevented a sitting president from appointing a supreme

Why is it so hard for you to treat her like a human being?

Right? People still get fired for getting pregnant or being gay. It’s fairly obvious that the real issue is that women and minorities finally managed to win a place at the table, so white men abandoned unions.

Wait, can John Baron weigh in?

I don’t want to be judgmental, but I have used applicator less tampons for years now. I try to get cotton because it’s biodegradable and less likely to give you toxic shock. I periodically (HARHAR) think about switching to a cup or the panties, but I’m staring at menopause thinking I’d rather not adopt any new

The NRA does.

This is why I think we actually should repeal the Second Amendment.

They do more than vote. The NRA writes and lobbies for laws that destroy the other parts of the Bill of Rights.

I think I’m a lot less pathetic than a person who chooses to defend guns instead of people.

Thank you for tracking that down. It’s horrifying to see this impossible environment victims have to exist in. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Oh wait, you did and people mocked you. But why didn’t you find more people to tell? Couldn’t you find the rights ones?”

No, you don’t.

It’s not baseless: this is a story about a government that doesn’t adhere to its own laws anymore. They are arresting legal immigrants and deporting citizens by mistake.

Now playing

They have been extreme and crazy for a long time. They sell the Second Amendment as if it deters tyranny. If that were true, the people who love their guns so much might also defend the rights of the people in their community. So do they?

I am not having it on guns anymore y’all.

This is how I know you don’t stand up for other rights.

Funny thing about the Second Amendment people. They hate the First Amendment.

Nope, I don’t want to hear about your guns.