
Hmm. It is really interesting that this is nothing to you:

Decisions get overturned.

Stop selling fear.

And then the NRA held the SCOTUS hostage for a year because they did not like Merrick Garland.

No, really, we don’t.

What that means is that we don’t have to overturn the 2nd Amendment.

Hard. Hitting.

Stop lying. The shooter had already left the church.

Now playing

Until the 70s, no one thought the Second Amendment gave you the right to have guns.

Then fight against the guys who like guns instead of hitting the people talking about getting rid of them.

Portraying getting rid of guns as an unrealistic impossible goal is actually pro-gun propaganda.

And that means that domestic abusers will keep being able to get them and the NRA will keep teaching people that guns save lives.

Your standards are extremely low. Please stop siding with the people who say this is acceptable.

It is. We do not even track how many women are in prison for shooting at the men who have abused them. Now one of those men has killed 26 people. He was known to be a domestic abuser. Why did he have a gun?

I am so enraged by every guy coming forward to diminish the likelihood of women being believed.

I grew up in Texas and moved to California and I meant what I said. I am loud about my opinions. I talk to strangers.

I hope you are not serious about avoiding the political talk. That’s such a big part of why and how this happened. For years we have been groomed to think it is rude and weird to talk about politics and I think we built a world that was driven by all the rude and weird people who did it anyway. Like, this is what

This is so important:

Yes, it is really that simple. They market this lifestyle all the time. I wish more people recognized theocracy when it has a Southern accent.

Egad, you mean... the racists might be angry?