
This game looks cool hopefully the characters don’t go around saying, “I’m a vegan btw.” There are no real animals in sight on the few trailers and gameplay we've seen.

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.

Your first mistake was trying to have a reasonable discussion of any kind on the internet.

Go for the Starburst!

Here’s another question: If I have not purchased any Fire Emblem games for 3DS, which should I get? Awakening or Birthright?

OK, but this is not a situation you would normally watch porn in. They are sitting in front of cameras, purposely trying not to get aroused, with other people around, as the commentate. Not only are people going to react more and do strange things when they’re on camera and essentially being asked to perform, but

I don’t think game delays really qualify as disappointments because they usually result in better games. Other than a few comical exceptions, we don’t remember the delays; we remember whether or not a game was any good. Next year at this time, when you’re thinking of the biggest disappointments of 2015, I don’t think