Fitting that no one mentioned Robin Hood. What a missed opportunity to make something great.
Fitting that no one mentioned Robin Hood. What a missed opportunity to make something great.
Aside from figuring out where to sit, episodes this season cover a lot of other stuff too, such as Great Lakes Ice Breakers ...
A “What’s on TV Tonight?” on Tuesday obliviously mused about the possibility of Dave Chappelle bringing Charlie Murphy onstage during his upcoming Netflix special to repeat his Prince anecdote. That was in spite of Murphy having died four years ago of leukemia, as this website reported at the time. And now this:
Is it just house style now for every article about a robotics breakthrough—or any vaguely anthropomorphic thing, for that matter—to pretend we are all beholding the arrival of some eldritch abomination from an H.P. Lovecraft story?
Charlie Murphy’s death was covered by the AV Club. How the fuck does this get by both a writer and (presumably) a copy editor?
In college, I saw a dermatologist about an asymmetric mole my mom had found right in the center of my back. She took a little bit for a biopsy and told me that I would get a phone call only in the event that the results came back negative for malignancy. About two week later, my phone rings, and my heart jumps into my…
Oddly enough, it should be the letter o, since the writer is spelling out the verbally articulated form of the number series. It should be either “00” (two zeroes) or “double-o” (with the letter o). This writer spelled it in a hybrid way that, logically, should be pronounced “double zero.” However, the font’s unusually…
What a fucking idiot!
Set AutoCorrect so “the” changes to “teh.” People go insane.
All that shit sounds boring as hell. Slightly heightened realism is the way to go.
Dreamers are always misunderstood.
And I’m always twirling my lanyard nonchalantly.
The writer isn’t calling them sellouts and urging readers to shun them for having irredeemably destroyed their artistic integrity. He said that corporate gigs are lame, which they are.
Nothing about the setting or plot of Judas and the Black Messiah continually reminds you that the main character is and must be in his early 20s. Also, black don’t crack.
And you sound like a dolt who doesn’t know the difference between “whose” and “who’s”.
Real funny gag with the photo at the top (like, of fucking course that’s what Chuck Palahniuk would look like, right?). Where’s the actual picture, though?
Could we possibly tighten up the standards at this site?
Didn’t JFK already address this misconception about Catholics 60 years ago? It’s in every high-school history textbook. Jesus Christ. You fucking people are something else.
Bill Maher has been distressingly wrong about many things, notably “cancel culture,” Israel/Palestine, and vaccines.