The wonderful thing about browsing at work is that I can’t access twitter or social media, so even if I had the urge (which I don't, this would haunt me), I can't watch the video, either on purpose or accident. I'm so sorry you saw that.
The wonderful thing about browsing at work is that I can’t access twitter or social media, so even if I had the urge (which I don't, this would haunt me), I can't watch the video, either on purpose or accident. I'm so sorry you saw that.
Not really related but in the vein of overwhelming a restaurant, my mom once ordered 15 orders of chow mein from a nearby restaurant, went to pick it up and they had prepared 50 orders. They asked her if she was having a party at the last minute or something, she's from rural Minnesota and wasn't quite used to the…
Nope, same mom, just close births, ashamed to admit but I checked Wikipedia and the 2 yr old turns 3 next month.
Two kids at 2 years and 18 months? Yeah, that's bound to stress any relation, regardless of its members particular sexiness
I don't actually know and he said it so nonchalantly. I spent the rest of that visit saying "don't listen to her, she's an idiot" and never got around to asking him the particulars.
I was at Costco with my brother yesterday and he needed sunblock, he said that Neutrogena was supposedly the worst chemical-wise for you but it was all they had. He then said “Well if it has one or two ingredients the FoodBabe doesn’t approve of but it’s the only thing, I’ll just have to get it” This is a guy I…
When did Delia's (I'm not spelling it like that) leave? At the Mall of America there are 2? I think.. Of course, the MOA is obnoxious and bound to have a lot of places that are not tolerated in the rest of the United States.
“He’s a pescatarian, he sleeps with the fishes....."
I’m trying to imagine what dirty thing “pescatarian” might make her think of, just coming up with bad Godfather jokes.
As a vegetarian whose Catholic family holds a unkillable belief that fish is a vegetable (it is NOT, stop offering it to me!), I feel the need to represent my people. #notallvegetarians are that stupid (steak is meat, therefore steak is steak is agh).
It causes horrible stomach cramps and if undiagnosed can lead to the nutrition not fully being absorbed into the body, so yes it can definitely kill. Basically 3/4 of my family is celiac and though I tested negative, the doctor said it's only a matter of time so I'm gonna pray for this pill and in the meantime, eat…
I’m conflicted on the name, because there are so many beautiful girl names out there and Ryan is so completely boy, but I’ll admit I love the name Ryan for a girl (I met a female Kyle in college and have loved the name for girls since). So hey you can have a problem with something and still be part of the problem.
The books are salvageable, they'll carry the smell of Guinness forever but that's not a bad way to go and none of us intended to ever sell our selections so that's not a factor. The magazines are not likely to survive and carried the bulk of the autographs, I am sad about that.
Ahh it was the Roxanne Gay & Patricia Smith books that received the most damage, twas sad
So I would just like to put this out in the world, BCO has made me a better diner and that makes me proud. On Friday I was out with friends, attending a Feminist/We Hate Men (not really, but some people think that's what the word means...) book reading. Afterward, giddy we went to a bar next door and made lots of…