Rainsoaked,windswept, joyous biker

Wow, I agree with Taylor about something, I'm growing and maturing? I might actually start thinking Dean isn't boring. (nah, that'll never happen)

I love all the people in the background of this photo

I clicked on the Charlize Theron link and immediately felt ashamed of myself. She looks so tired of the paparazzi, definitely understandable, and her poor kids can’t be kids and misbehave without an article written on some trashy gossip website. Seriously there’s a writer at OK! magazine whose assignment at work was

well John Kasich looks (based on this photo) like he’s already given up or like a turtle who’s just woken up , I can’t decide. Also seriously how can anyone look at Ted Cruz and want to vote for him? He looks like a skeezy used car salesman waiting to get caught.

Going by their registry (they requested a bunch of Robin Williams movies including Hook, Pixar movies and N64 games) I love these women

There was an article about Flint in Rolling Stone and this bit hit me the hardest:“The human damage is incalculable. Think of a mother waking in the middle of the night to make formula for her baby girl and unwittingly using liquid death as a mixer.”

Won tickets to a Kelly Clarkson concert recently and, in my desire not to anger the 14 yr old in my life, I was forced to go and take her with. Unfortunately Pentatonix was opening for Kelly on this last tour and so I got my introduction to them, the kid already knew and loved them. I was amazed and felt incredibly

It’s the Cabelas hat, the souls of all the dead mounted animals imbue the products with special heat powers

I love Lewis Black! I saw him perform once (he actually told this joke) in Minneapolis and he hated us, actually walked off the stage because we were a "bad crowd". Bummed me out, in our defense Mitch Hedberg and Dave Attel had gone before him and were amazing so we were all a bit insane by the time he came on stage.

I agree, also your name works perfectly here :-)

well that’s with windchill, just means a lot of people running in sweatpants and t-shirts from the mall to their car, I guess carrying a jacket around the mall is just yknow a super bummer.

It’s at least 25 degrees here today, or as the weatherman calls it "HEAT WAVE". It was -40 this weekend and one thing about Minnesota, there will always, no matter the weather, be someone standing in the mall parking lot, in shorts and a t-shirt, smoking a cigarette.

:-) I guess my knowledge of what is and what isn't a spoiler is lacking because I know nothing of the franchise, so just to be safe I figured I'd add that.

yeah, I want to, everyone in the theater clapped when SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER the Millenium Falcon appeared, I had no frickin clue why they were clapping but figured it out later SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER

That sounds amazing and much better than the actual experience.

I'm gonna be THAT person and say, "the book was soo much better"

I feel like it’s kind of part of our culture to such an extent you might not even need to. I mean I didn’t get all the jokes or references (at a certain point the entire audience cheered, I had no idea why but learned later) but I still enjoyed it!


It is interesting what you're able to accept in movies as a kid vs, adult. A friend and I were talking about how much Roger Ebert hated both Hook and Hocus Pocus, two movies that were huge parts of our childhoods and that we still rewatch today. I think you have to see both as a kid, maybe as an adult they lose their

We were drunk! and it was a midnight movie. I think I slept through some of it tbh but with the Spice Girls the plot didn't seem that important anyway.