
Hey! I’ve had this same issue and while it still happens sometimes I fixed it by removing the little rubber pieces under the system? (I guess they expand in heat and press the eject button somehow because touch sensitive buttons on console have always been a bad idea). I also hang my console a little over the side of

Open world action game like every AAA game these days tbh

I was just playing through that part, which imo is one of the scariest parts of the game so far (so dark and its fitting you through a very specific path so you know its setting up jump scares) and I open that drawer and I’m like..that’s a lot of the same shoe...

yeah that was one of the best moments in the game so far for me. That feel of a classic slasher villian as you back up and wait for him to get up and hit him again, pinning him against the wall, and again, and again, and then back up and he doesn’t get up, and you wait a few seconds and then the ceiling starts peeling

Hey looks like we know what will be our PS Plus game in February !

I am nerding out at how cool it is that this menu is that detailed and the like android OS having a chip for the different parts of the hud..this game is going to be so good.

Yes! Nier gets off to a slow start which turned a lot of people off, but to me if you get past that you have one of the best games on the 360/ps3 generation. It’s totally worth one if not 2 or 3 playthroughs at least!

Well, at least it looks better than Anihilation

Boop, that’s how you start a fight and finish it quickly

Odd that they don’t get the original SMB2. Was that game recieved very poorly over there, or does the Mario Bros game designed to test the skill of the player in a serious way not match Nintendo’s image any more?

Glad I finally know what “Johns” are in the Smash Bros context now

Making him play Blazblue is too harsh a punishment..

Whens Yakuza 5 going to be on PS now tho so I can actually play it?

I didn’t know they were bringing the Silver Case to America and remaking it. That is great news! I really do think Suda has a great talent for stories and creating interesting worlds that hasn’t been shown this last console generation. While No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw, and Shadows of the Damned were pretty good

Did they increase its explosion time from the beta to the main game? Because the amount of kills I got from it dropped significantly once the real game came out. Though it could be just people knowing how to escape it.

Why are there Power Stone characters in the corner tho?

This happened to me once where every kill cam and play of the game was just the camera pointed off the map and sounds. It continued in multiple games until I shut it off and started again.

Awesome, Blizzard. But when are us console scrubs getting those mcree nerfs tho? I’m so done with playing D.Va and getting killed by any mcree anywhere near me for free.

Yeah I would say the speed in which he builds his ult is more of a problem than the turret damage, imo.

Maybe Mighty #9 was spot on when it was going for 90s feel game advertising..