@Hazey Jane: "I've never seen such beautiful shirts before!"
@Hazey Jane: "I've never seen such beautiful shirts before!"
@Nimnyn: Ugh, don't even get me started on that!
@St. Francis of a Sissy: it's like a sexual hat-trick!
@msmoneypenny misses MizJ: Oh man I'm from Panama City Beach!
@jenilane: There actually is one thing I dislike more than the Gators themselves. Their fans.
@andromache liebes the Deutsch: Animal behavior paper, diet mountain dew (I drank enough for my whole weekend last night), and Florida State-Miami at my house.
@pucca2009: That kid is no longer considered "half" anything except for maybe halfway to forty or something.
@dogmaticequation: I love this. I love you. Hearted.
@Malle.Babbe: If not, can we start this? I'll do it.
@petcerealkiller: This. This is exactly what would happen to me. It would have to be far away from any science related books.... hell, it would have to be in the other library completely (we have one science and one for pretty much everything else).
@sebluver: You can always use my excuse... t-rex arms.
@InvisibleGirl: I'm all about this idea if it gets everyone to dress like they're in Inception.
@SorciaMacnasty: Ha! Not to mention the grilled one that they make as well... it just always looks slimy in pictures. Of course, they probably would rather push the fried ones anyway.
@pairofcowboys: Thank you for this. It's the same reasoning I had when I decided to end my 2 and a half year relationship and it makes me feel a lot better to hear it from someone else.
@Nimabu: She just wasn't able to get that swing over the bar.
@missbananafish: certainly will do!
@MynameisMoniker: I volunteer at a wildlife rehab clinic and since we get anywhere from 4-10 new abandoned squirrels a day, they decided I was ready to be a squirrel mom. Some of the women who work there have up to 20! I'm only keeping them until they're old enough to not be syringe fed anymore, and then once they…
@Thus Spake Kate is a Future Sailor: This just reminds me that my old blurty is lurking out there somewhere. Who knows what's on that anymore.
@FreudianNipSlip: It's so hard! I'm not supposed to handle them except for when I'm feeding them. I do let them just climb on my shirt while I'm warming their squirrel milk formula, though. Oh, and they get little kisses on their heads for sure even though they don't like it :)
For everyone down thread that wanted to see my babies :)