
What are you taking, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m scared to go on something but also deal with crippling anxiety.

I mean what were you thinking, we’d be friends?

I don’t have any other questions. Thank you for apologizing to me and explaining why.

What’s your question?

“Theirs was like “dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun” and ours was like “dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun, dun-DUN-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun.” Cracks me up every time without fail.

The whole situation is weird. If your apology was truly sincere and you’re speaking from the heart I do appreciate it. But I would hope that you take what I told you and think about how you speak to people.

Thank you. Weird. The whole thing is weird.

Thank you for that. And don’t worry about it too much. I got over it quickly. And since then, I’ve been subjected to online dating which is far more brutal than what you said to me. It’s okay.

Yes, I did more back then but that’s because I was in an abusive relationship at the time and like I said, my confidence was nonexistent. I have a different life now and I don’t let what someone says about my appearance online dictate my feelings about my appearance. But back then, yes it did affect me and it made me

Well I think I’ve posted a pic of myself on here since, so if you want to look it up and make fun of it now is your chance ;) I accept your apology. Thank you.

It was kinda nice but the part that creeped me out is he says “How did it make you feel?” Idk, maybe I’m misreading but it feels odd.

Love her, but also hijacking this thread to say, what do you think of this? A few years ago I got trolled on here. And the troll reached out to me randomly the other day. Is this creepy? It feels creepy.

It felt awful, especially during the time of my life I was in where my self-esteem was nonexistent. Why do you care?

Wow this is random. What made you think of this now?

Me too. My little boys are so pure and innocent and trusting. Sometimes I lie awake at night and just cry for those children. It is painful to think and talk about. But I feel like we need to talk about it more. It’s so unspeakable I think soxiety just wants to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Now playing

I knoooooow. Ashton Kutcher, someone who I struggle to like, is heavily involved with this org too...he spoke to congress and I have to say it was also pretty fucking great:

I know it sounds bad, but to be honest, I wasn’t as affected by this stuff before having my own kids. Now I walk around thinking about this stuff and feeling like I want to go out and save every child from ever being hurt. It enrages me that this happens.

Right?! Can you imagine getting up in front of a room of Hollywood people and talking about that? No one wants to talk about it, because it’s horrifying and you don’t want to even believe it happens, but we have to.

Now playing

I’m a Blake fan since learning about her work with the Child Reacue Coalition and seeing this speech she gave. Disturbing material but so important. *Edited to emphasize there are descriptions of child abuse in the videos*

I worked with a woman several years ago who was many years older than me. I was probably 20..? when she told me “All men hit you. It’s just what they do.”