Do you mean infer vs imply? No I meant that (if we’re giving them benefit of the doubt) that they honestly believe in their own heads that every mistake is a scam.
Do you mean infer vs imply? No I meant that (if we’re giving them benefit of the doubt) that they honestly believe in their own heads that every mistake is a scam.
Well, this is an interesting comment because I wonder if that’s the impression that men have. I and dozens of women I know have been sexually harassed and grabbed multiple times in the past ten years, most of us never even reported it. One because we were alone with the abuser and we didn’t think anyone would believe…
Bernie Sanders: “I dint think one incident alone disqualifies him”.
Sister, this is why God invented Yelp. If they’re going to infer you’re a scammer when you call to inform them of an actual mistake, they’d better have cyborg-level staff accuracy because WTF happens when there IS a mistake? Scorch them on social media and I bet you’re not the first to do so. You scam artist. Tsk.
So wait, I’m confused. The management told you.......what in response? Basically to go fuck yourself? Girl this is why God invented Yelp. I’d be curious to hear the owner’s response (my account won’t allow them to respond - burn, suckers). 🔥
Biologist here. Where do I even begin with this comment.
He’s a black man. He was probably worried that when he put down his stuff he’d be immediately cuffed and beaten to death.
This is racist. Call the school district then shame them on social media.
Biologist here. Totally agree. Particles of plastic end up in waterways and in millions of years of evolution, animals have learned that anything floating in the ocean or lakes is probably organic / edible. Feasting on plastic bits fills up their stomach (especially young sea birds) and they starve to death. Not…
One woman on Twitter (the morning that B announced his 2020 run for President) tweeted that “I got a flood of texts this morning from girlfriends but I refuse to say what it was because I’m so afraid of his followers”. Even THAT got a nasty Bro response. She did not even say his name.
Good synopsis. The movie also features Tony “I’m bigger than you so give me back that microphone, bitch” Robinson, who heroically hypnotizes Hal to teach him a lesson rather than simply being an advocate for women.
Thanks for the info. Yes it says in our employee handbook “No (non service) dogs are allowed on the premises”. And these 2 coworkers do not have service dogs, only labs that tear through our lunches and drink out of the toilet.
No one should be denied food when they’re hungry. 😕
I am SO confused. I had several employers force me to work with allergens (some coworkers brought their unruly dogs to work for example, they jumped all over me) and I was told an employer could actually fire me if I refused to work near certain allergens and I would not be accommodated. Dare I hope this is untrue?…
This is harassment, straight up. I heard of one restaurant that had “levels” of harassment. If I remember correctly, first strike meant the customer had his ticket / food order flagged so staff would know he’s causing trouble. Second strike, server would be allowed to stop serving him and a manager would be assigned…
Nicely graphic story and involves a few celebrities. In college: had a thing for a friend I’ll call Wild Pajama Guy. WPG was a brilliant, soft-spoken history major and artist who was also kind of a snob. He wore mismatched pajamas to class as a (I swear this is true) statement on society. But we connected as friends,…
My understanding is that at increasingly, servers are forced to split all tips evenly or the manager just keeps it all for himself. One of the many reasons we recently stopped going out to restaurants.
As one of the show’s biggest fans, I hope they will bring the show up to speed of 2019 and at the very least apologize to Roz and Daphne for the unreal levels of sexism.
A woman can be completely naked and still be raped.
Read my comment (in the greys). I spelled it out for everyone.