
That’s uncanny. 

😮!! 💚💚

Epic!! Fellow OCD person here, I totally sympathize. I actually saw a suggestion online, cannot remember the details, but it suggests adding “a few drops of bleach” as a cure for some kind of ailment LOL.

I knew this article would jar some memories for me! Age 12, my mom and her friends are playing cards at the table on a summer day. I came in from outside, thirsty. Saw a lovely glass of water just sitting on the kitchen counter. I chugged the entire thing. Vodka. 

I have several, but the most entertaining is how much I abused my body during my first year of grad school. I would pack up my food, and keep a fruit smoothie + one jar of water for the 50 minute drive to the campus. All the while hearing my inner voice - you can’t do this, you’re not smart enough, you’re in your 30s

My union rep is a verbally abusive, corrupt shitbag. He has led me on, lied to me, screamed at me over the phone and shamed the hell out of me every time I ask a simple question, all while our membership fees go up every year. Maybe purge the misogynists if you want to survive, assholes.

Oh, fuck this bullshit and fuck The View. Which male celebrities / political leaders defending Mario Batali, Al Franken or Matt Lauer were EVER asked to step down, much less cancel an entire cause that affected millions of people? I watched Kathy Lee Gifford defend Matt Lauer and her life seems pretty fucking good.

I take adult dance classes from one of the best schools in the world (no exaggeration) and the matriarch of the performance company, had she witnessed this behavior against anyone, especially a child, she would have kicked their ass ten galaxies past Mars. This shit has no place in the world of art. It’s an obscenity

This pisses me off to no end. Why? Andres is a saint. But he’s paying White House bills for them while Individual 1 is using taxpayer money to sit around and shit his pants. Any time there’s a fundraiser for a city school, hurricane victims, and so on - low wage earners, giving donations, are giving government

Sad, sad Democrats. Cannot see through these silver spoon licking, Wall Street babies. How come I had this guy pegged the minute I saw him? Chills when I saw Bernie, downright vomit seeing Uncle Joe Biden the Pervert. Warren - blank website. Typical lazy Massachusetts politician. Kamil Harris - Wall Street. Guys,

Yeah, I’ve seen snapshots of kids at a very young age, 4 even - looking at their parents with pure hate and mistrust from being stalked with a cell phone constantly. I wonder if the parents even realize it’s already affecting them. Just wait till you find out why, kids! 

The M.U.S. material could bubble, melt, or become otherwise deformed

I agree with Syban that it’s too bad for really great parents. Whenever I see a well-mannered child in a restaurant, I walk by and tell them their kids are wonderfully behaved. Hold your applause, I’ve only done this about 4 times in my life. Seriously, when I was little, in our region of NH there would be hell to pay

AMEN to keeping kids away. For every customer they “lose”, they’ll gain grown-ass people who work for a living and do not enjoy chairs being treated like swords slamming behind their head by unattended 7 year olds (true story). I’ve seen so many kids full-out running through restaurants while the parents either laugh

I was referring to the role she plays. Why is she always second banana to these violent dickheads? Why can’t she be the lead??

Fuck this evil shit. I used to be a huge fan of his, too. Then Heard had to be harassed on set by Baby Aquaman. I feel just awful for her. She’s talented, deserves better.

I hope this happens. Once it’s on the Internet, it’s possobly archived forever. 

Or even clothed. Sure, post adorable portrait-like pics and occasional play photos. But why every fucking day? You have a child, have you got nothing better to do than upload photographs? 

Children having children.

Thank you Ashley, thank you!! Fuck, even my CAT give me the side-eye when I stand there snapping pics of him. He’s all, who are you, robot? Are you evil? Where did my kind, gentle master go? I follow one woman who very tastefully shares photos of her little girl growing up, only flattering photos of her clothed and