
It’s astounding how little most gamers understand game development.

lol wtf? It’s a sequel of course they are going to reuse all animation and probably even meshes, characteres etc of the previous game!

I worked on Shadow of the Tomb Raider and let me tell you we re-used almost every single animations of the 2 previous games, on top of creating the new ones needed. That is just how

I dunno. I’ll wait until they talk about the rest of the changes they’re making to weapons and detail the weapon crafting system in a couple of weeks and then decide how I feel about this. On its face it feels like the kind of thing that feeds the take economy and is then forgotten within a few months.

I don’t think Xur wants Guardians’ Ghosts to have orbs...

And it’s one of those where I do get why it works that way: the freedom to pursue, like you said, multiple different seasonal storylines - or even expansion storylines! - at once is, frankly, an improvement over last year’s ‘seasonal stuff only lasts a season and then it’s gone’.

I think there’s kind of a tendency to blame everything that’s a problem in Destiny 2 on the vaulting, but in this particular case, I’m not sure that’s the entirety of the issue: part of it, I think, is just that Bungie has a bit of an overwhelming fondness for complexity, both in its narrative design and in everything

Let’s Just Go Shoot Shit or: How I learned to stop caring about Destiny lore

It’s dumb as hell but look at how no one is talking about Twitch’s problem with policing their white supremacist problem they are doing this shit on behalf of the very white supremacists who they refuse to do shit about. Because I can guarantee that the white supremacist trolls are the ones who ran up a bunch of

Oh, they’re not offended by the term - they’re offended that someone would “talk back” to them, particularly if it’s a person of color.

In it [Oneal] said he was paid less than her newly appointed counterpart, Mike Ybarra, and felt “tokenized, marginalized, and discriminated” during her time at the company.

So it turns out he’s a greedy prick who also mistreats women? Is he trying to run for President or something?

That quote is truly a cringe masterpiece.

“Not count” for what?  It’s a single-player game.  Who is supposed to be counting?

I don’t even like to get e-mails from actual humans, so getting them from fictional characters and video games is completely unacceptable.

The Series S makes more sense when you consider how Microsoft’s embraced cloud gaming. It’s pretty transparently a streaming box.

I’m broke as a joke working 3 jobs, you better go be fly for the rest of us! Hope that OLED is super dope, hoping to catch up near the holidays. Wishing you all the best!

Not dumb to have style my friend. Do that!

California state agencies being more hardass than federal agencies is pretty common. I’ve seen comments from tax lawyers that they’d much rather go up against the IRS than the California Franchise Tax Board.

People like to bag on CA for numerous reasons, but having lived there for a better part of a decade and having worked with several departments of their state government, they are generally really good at getting shit done when they aren't getting hamstrung by bullshit from WASPs, NIMBYism, and Republicans. 

From on outside perspective, it seems rather insane that anyone looking to help workers would accept a settlement like the one the EEOC gave Blizzard.