
Ekans is extremely rare here. Haven’t seen a single one on Pokevision while that still worked. As such, I don’t have one yet!

Here it’s all rattatas and pidgeys. Before the update a lot of zubats, too, but they’re much rarer now.

I find it funny that The Netherlands is not listed as particularly vulnerable to climate change... we do have the slight problem that half the country is below sealevel. Only dikes protect us from the rising seawater, meaning they need to be higher and higher.

But then again, the whole concept of it being a problem

This makes me - once again - wonder why Cryptonomicon hasn’t been made into a tv series yet! Such a great novel, despite the pretty heavy mathematical and computer science infodumping. First time I finished it, I actually went ‘Why is this book so short? It should be longer!’