
I’m panicking now. I am. Where do we go from here? Who will take us? Where will the promise landblog be?

Good luck and congrats on the baby.

Time to bring out my favorite ever BYU testing center story. When my seminary teacher went to BYU way back when, women weren’t allowed to wear pants in the testing center. Well, she needed to take a test one day when she was wearing pants and a long trench coat, so instead of going home to change, she snuck into a

Ugh yes, I agree on all accounts. The 1996 scenes just take you completely out of the story. I don’t think Stuart did a good job. And neither did Paxton. The granddaughter was ok, but I don’t think she really knew why she was there either.

The only reason I could see for her waiting to use it was so that Cal wouldn’t know she was alive. Because if the diamond had turned up in an auction or something, he would definitely have found out.

Oh I know. When a girl wearing leggings under a knee-length tunic gets denied the opportunity to take her exam at the testing center by a power-drunk douchecanoe, it leaves me little hope for serious issues like these.

I loathe this movie for so many reasons, this alternate ending just makes it worse.

Right Rose, throw it overboard. Don't, you know, give it to your granddaughter who's been taking care of you or anything.

also a guy yells “THAT REALLY SUCKS, LADY!” at rose

What did he smell like?

Here a more recent picture of Hugh from when he was 24.

He has a very young face, but I think it’s mostly the haircut. Half the guys in my middle school in the mid ‘90s had that haircut.

Billionaires age differently.

Countryside Management sounds stupid, but it’s actually pretty cool - it’s to do with ecological, wildlife preservation, environmental protection, etc. Here’s a course overview from Newcastle Uni - http://www.ncl.ac.uk/undergraduate/…

No, he’s twelve. We are both fresh and dewy and coltish and....*sobs*

I’m 26 and people tell me I look young, I’m gonna start flashing this picture for comparison. I’m not convinced this isn’t a photo of 2 10 year olds stacked on top of each other in a suit

What can you tell us about that “countryside management” major?

I’m 22, younger than him. He looks 12.

He’s definitely 12. Or possible a vampire. Those are the only explanations for that picture.

Am I so old that 20-somethings look twelve to me, or does that 20-something actually look twelve?