
Today I just eat my feelings.

It was the 70s. Things were different. {shrugs}

All my anecdata says: true.

Does he get a multipass?

Fluffy-tailed rat bastards!!

That made me laugh and NOW I FEEL BAD.

I picture you like Brent Spiner in Independence Day, pressed up against the glass with the alien's tentacle around your throat, whispering, "Reeelllleeeeasssse meeeee"

That's exactly what it's like.

I laughed out loud in my office just now.

That's a million dollar idea, buddy.

Wheels and the Leg Man?

And yet my mom still can't figure it out.

Ant-Man Paul Rudd is the correct answer.

Three SEXY dogs, you mean.

Agreed. To me, that's the best part of the show.

The Machine is the best character on this show, for sure. And they don't even have to pay another actor to portray her!!

Needs more upvotes.

Right? I'm confused. Is Wesley Snipes involved?

That's basically my take on it. And, you know, bully for him and all that. No one forces me to watch the Fallon show.

And Chaplin, in which he was magnificent.