
Bradley Cooper would absolutely do this, are you fucking kidding?

Oh for fuck's sake.

Or he just likes money…

Seattle's been under a similar consent decree for a while now, I'm pretty sure, and it … really hasn't done jack shit one way or another, as far as I can see. (Unfortunately.)


When I was a kid, the Shamrock Shake was a pinnacle of culinary excellence.

And most likely not American, as evidenced by the "21mm comment box". No actual American would think in the metric system. Ignore!

That's my take on it. I'm not particularly fond of Hillary, she's done many things I disagree with, but she is a tough-as-nails bitch and she's not going to just roll over and appease the rabid dogs of the Right on every last thing. Will she move us hard to the left? No. Will she probably be able to keep the

I'm sorry. I know these feelings well.

I've been waiting about 30 years for that and will pay good American dollars to see it.

That bastard.

She was a high point.

Like the main guy on the Big Bang Theory?

Are they? ARE THEY?

"herbal tea and other hot nonsense" is my new favorite phrase ever.

Wait, what?

This is the world we're living in.

Thank you, sir, for all your hard work keeping us poor slobs amused. You do an excellent job.

"Where are my testicles, Summer?"

Worst gimmick account ever.