
Picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue etc. etc.

Funny that…

"Shut your eyes, Marion! Don't look at it!"

Animals don't behave this badly.

I… don't know, really! It's not fused, his arm can still bend. It's kinda floppy. Here's the thing: he has even worse (but mostly unrelated) problems in his wrist and hand, so he basically doesn't use that arm for anything.

Cake is pretty underrated.

My grandfather had an elbow replacement that went bad/got infected and they took it out and he doesn't have an elbow. Apparently that's also a thing.

It was his best moment thus far.

Whither the laserdisc, I ask you?

Everything is made up and the points don't matter.

It's a whole new set of wild oats to sow, amirite?


Yes. I don't remember them now, but I remember seeing them go by and thinking, "This is a pun-happy town."

Counterpoint: just the right amount of Gayle!

Tell me about it.

Yeah, that was what I thought too.

That's pretty much the only positive in my view as well.

If you're talking about Paul Rudd, then yes.

Bless their hearts.

He gets hit in the head with a shovel by Kevin Costner in Mr. Brooks. It was a good use of his talents.