
I know, right?

If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!

Fair enough.

Yes, those of us who were born and raised in Seattle a looonnnnng-ass time ago are just happy that we finally have something to be happy about.

I always said I wanted to marry an orphan.

And yet he seems so sweet with Kristen Bell… I just can't hate him.

Well, Josh Gad was in Book of Mormon, so at least he can sing. Can Jonah Hill sing? Doubtful.

In other words, it totally worked.

I thought that was The Passion of the Christ.

That's … unfortunate. And I'm a straight lady who thinks Michael C. Hall is decently appealing. But Yvonne Strahovski is really, really hot.

But how naked does she get and how often?


Agreed, and I wish he didn't. I want very much to like it.

Or the one guy in the hospital saying, "They just shot me in the knee!"

The cartoon/illustrations are still on the columns that get posted to The Stranger, AFAIK. You're talking about the kitty reading the magazine, right?

"You don't know me" / "I don't comment much", but I always enjoy your comments on the A.V. Club. If you stopped commenting, I'd be bummed. You don't want that, do you?

Golf clap

That Girls Gone Wild guy… Joe Francis?

Money like that can buy a whhhooooolllllle lot of self-awareness deflector shields.

Well, you effectively killed my joy.