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The most shocking g thing I heard about this case is that Payton Leutner survived. I feel for all these children but think about this: her 2 “friends” lured her into the woods and stabbed her over a dozen times, several times in the chest. Her surgeon said that one stab wound was so close to her heart that one hair’s

Cheers, thank you! ✨🙂

More about both.

Even better, if you don’t just not-hate birds and actively love them: plantnbird-friendly trees in your yard (northern bayberry and winterberry in the Northeast) and read about Agroforestry. This kind of farming creates a small forest that many tropical birds love and use. If you’ve ever heard about shade-grown

This is why God invented Yelp.

You could have told me this at.........noontime? (I’m kidding Megan).🌸🎅🏻 My winter jog at the secluded lake was contaminated with 4 male joggers wanting to jog five inches from me me and breathe down my neck (poor boundaries, not anything sinister). Coop had 7 times the normal shoppers and brand new cashiers who

Mass-marketed reusable bags are horrifyingly bad. Go to a bookstore to buy some nice cotton totes. They can easily be washed, they’re cool (slogans)! and quite strong.

Former vet nurse and shelter worker here. It’s a good idea to take your time choosing a pet. Please never buy a pet for your child, even if they’re 17. You, the adult, are 100 percent responsible for the animal’s health. If you’re lucky, your kid might participate. It’s YOUR pet. You need to give it food, water,

Biologist here. I go by one philosophy. Invest, don’t buy. What are you investing in when you buy cheap $1 plastic reusable bags? Nothing. I always buy cotton totes that I love and will use. *Organic cotton is good and can be composted, so no need to stress how many times you use it, but I found they last a long time

THANK YOU for sharing your story. That is reassuring. I knew stopping the drug was a first step but I had no idea it could help that much. Good for you for trusting your gut. I’ve run across so many corrupt doctors, it’s scary. You are obviously very resilient! 🙂🌸

Because your boss can fire you.

You’re right, thank you for the concern. I’m a bit unusual in that I’ll take only one Xanax every few months (and only half or a quarter tab at that) as needed. But I still feel lousy the next few days until I run. So WOW, you had SJS? I’m so sorry! My understanding was that once it starts, it progresses to extremely

I think destigmatizing drugs is wonderful, thank you! I managed to shake my depression in college with mushrooms (not on purpose, it wasn’t known at the time, it just happened to work). I hope they are studied more. I am a severe hypochondriac and I had to stop taking everything, including my Xanax because I read

Sharing!! Thank you. 👏

I think the above is sarcasm, and highly underrated at that.

I’m wondering how the Red Menace plans to “regain the trust” of women who he groped and slobbered on in the rape room. What does that involve, exactly? Do we even want to know?

Men get it REAL quick when the tables are turned, don’t they?

What I’m hearing a lot of is men saying “I tell my male boss he looks sharp! I tell my male boss his suit is dapper”! What I don’t hear is “I tell my male boss all the time that his hair looks nice”! I think you could get away with this maybe once. If you kept commenting on how “nice” your male boss’s hair looks, day

Bob, I can’t tell if you’re a genuinely concerned male worker or a damned creep trolling around on a feminist website. But to imply that what I said was homophobic is really disgusting. I said that female coworkers should be shown the same respect as a male boss. If you don’t get why, maybe you should shut your own

I see what you’re saying, and I do think slips of the tongue happen. The only thing I’d say is that when the harasser has to get caught before he admits he did something wrong, that does not bode well for his future prospects as a responsible human being.