
Of course there is! Express how much you (they) used to admire him and underscore the fact that your disgust now overrides your enjoyment of his art. Glorifying his work online will attract more people, not fewer.

And that’s why the “I support his art I just won’t support him financially” is so disingenuous. C.K. probably values being seen as an artist at least as much as his finances. Propping him up as an admirable figure basically erases all the progress we’ve made as women. People can enjoy and support what they want, to me

Her being fat and “ugly” have nothing to do with her being evil. Progressives hurling insults and teasing people for their appearance are every bit as disgusting and childish as Republicans who do the same. You’ve gone down to their misogynistic level. You’re insulting every woman on the planet when her appearance is

I guess “When they go low, we go high” is out the window then.

You’re right there, that has to change. I will say this: research shows that women overall are less likely to support war than men. If Clinton had a cabinet full of women, along with hose and the senate, I strongly believe it would be better. The fact that Clinton would use the military budget for wildlife

I think Boomers do understand, they are the ones who kickstarted civil rights in the 60s and 70s, and retired women Boomers are the ones I see in the biggest numbers at women’s marches! Sadly, money and power corrupts......

I am in! ✨✨✨😃

OMG this guy belongs in jail.

UGH!! What a tragic choice. I’ve been holding off to not distract from MeToo, but now I can say how disturbed I was by the video of him intimidating his live-in partner by smashing wine bottles and refusing to look at her or speak to her while she begs him to stop. I was a huge huge Depp fan. That all vanished when I

Can I add that an actual scarecrow for President sounds awesome? Like, you’re totally invited to help me sketch out my next short film. 🙂

I completely agree. The environmental messages are getting buried. I imagine we can revive them with a real plan like Clinton’s. As you said, it’s already completed!   

This totally makes sense, so thank you for saying that. I’m glad you’ve been speaking out in general on this thread too. Great points all.

Me (speaking to my husband): Guess who resigned?

But do you think they would have left office if Franken had stayed? What about all the progressive women who might not feel safe around him?

I understand what you’re saying but let’s remember how many over-50s fought for civil rights. Attend a protest and see the demographic there. The last Women’s March I attended was absolutely dominated by older women. Never underestimate the young, white, frat-boy neo-Nazis and the young MRA movement. https://www.thegua

I will continue to say this until I’m dead. Hillary Clinton had the best environmental plan I ever saw. As someone with a Master’s in the discipline, I was always disgusted by how awful and ignorant most politicans’ plans were. Even Democrats. Even Green Party. Clinton’s blew my mind. It would have worked. It would

Firstly thank you gals at Jezebel for excellent coverage. I think it is literally life-saving. Anyway, I agree with the commenter who urges we as progressives to speak to each other instead of fighting. Franken’s move may not change the Republicans. But has anything?? This move might show third-party voters that

Forget about the Senate. People need to read about the abuse and harassment culture at Saturday Night Livein the 70s and 80s. I’m pretty tough but I nearly vomited after reading about how female cast members were bullied, intimidated and abused there. Who knows how many lives it ruined.