Not weird at all, I think many things like this are genetic! 🙂
Not weird at all, I think many things like this are genetic! 🙂
Yes, go girl! It took me a looong time to figure out. How cool that your local station is teaching that! ❤️🙂
Aw, thank you! 🙂🌸 That’s wonderful Australia has such a program. In the US we need to have sites like Yelp because we get to hear others’ experiences, which vary wildly between medical professionals and establishments. Also I’m good friends with a woman in Melbourne, we exchange cultural stories. She’s been to the…
It was totally NOT painful. It kind of reminded me of shy, clumsy guys I dated in college squeezing my breasts just a bit too tight LOL. 🤣 I edited my original comment, did you see it? I used (and reiterated) Mayo’s advice for preparing beforehand.
Ugh! Well let us know how it goes if you’re comfortable sharing. I would think cancer at that age would be unlikely indeed.
Oh that’s right, you reminded me when I asked my ObGyn about breast pain, she suggested I cut out the hot chocolate. What a difference! I’m glad you’re well. 🌸 Not sure about that doctor though, sounds like they might be new to the profession for a lot of reasons! 🙄 My dentist saw my painful tori and said “Haa if we…
Oh, best wishes! I bet you’ll do great, early testing is key! I don’t think dense breasts are uncommon in younger women either.
That is so kind, thank you! I’m glad you’re okay. I guess you know me now. Your screenname is great btw. 🙂🌸
It sounds like you got an awesome thorough check. That’s good, I wondered if I needed an ultrasound too. It’s only a matter of time before I start pestering my doctor, LOL but I’m glad the ball is rolling now!
Damn girl you should put this in a novel. You are awesome. 👏😄
Thanks ❤️🌸
Ugh, some people say 35 now but I think that’s nonsense unless there’s high risk.
Wow that sounds really scary! I’m glad you’re all okay (I assume)? ❤️❤️ Your family sounds awesome, actually. So does your doctor, I would love to have a bounding happy doc! I also REALLY appreciate the information. I guess I knew there are non-cancerous lumps but I didn’t realize how common those are. I was actually…
Oh, congrats, I’m glad you were okay. I hear false positives are VERY common but that must have been awfully stressful. 😐 I’m glad to not be the only one in the dense breast club! I was thinking my gals would have been extra good for breast feeeding, missed opportunity......
Ugh, I can relate, I only have health insurance seasonally. The nurse I spoke to said it was nonsense that people said I waited too long, she said I was “right on time”. Call and hopefully for free a doctor can advise you of your risks but for me it felt great to check it off the list.
Thanks! ❤️ That advice was golden, it was not much worse than trying on a too-small jogging bra! 🙂
OMG that’s brilliant. We live near Five Guys so I’m going to get a Breast Burger next year. At Five Guys. Damn I wish we could have lunch together just to discuss your invention.
Yes it totally will! Thanks ❤️