
Former low-paid food service person here too. Understand that while I’m standing there smiling and taking your order, I’m probably also wondering if my electricity and heat will still be on when I arrive tonight, whether I will have to wake up to 34 F temperatures and take a cold shower tomorrow. And how I’m going to

Restaurants really have to get with the program on this. What you probably DON’T understand is that allergies are not the only medical condition that can make a patron extremely ill. For example, I was on antibiotics for 2 years for late-disseminated Lyme disease. I (and many other people, for varying reasons) ended

So sad this coworker sounds like she not only has specific gross habits (bare feet) but much worse, an entitled attitude. If you’re going to confront her, you may as well save the time and just hand her a bouquet of flowers, 50 bucks and an award saying “Most Demonstrative”. Trust me, that’s what she wants. Any

“Eat this sausage. It’s like eating my dick. Get it”?

I’ve been screened by multiple doctors since this happened (all negative results, yay) but the night IT was elected, I swear I had some very abnormal bleeding and the absolute worst stomach pain of my entire life. I was trying to go to bed, rocking back and forth in pain and clutching my stomach. I couldn’t cry. I

I’ll take my chill pill if you shove a sock in it already.

I agree 100 percent. Fun story: At 17 I got to travel to England, work as a nanny for a farming family and we had an honest to god milkman. He delivered non-homogenized milk to our door, and collected last week’s bottles. It was brilliant and I’d bet people would love it.

I know, and Germany is known (at least here in the US) as relatively good stewards. I can’t imagine how bad it is other places. I’m positive that Agroforestry and shade grown coffee could increase insect populations though! 🙂

It’s terrifying and sad and yet what are we doing to change it. I’m a bit tired of people sobbing over marine creatures then buying truckloads of Nestle candy or keeping exotic fish in their living rooms (look up cyanide fishing). If you care, speak out for public transport, avoid plastic like the plague. Look up

Me too, I basically don’t follow anything else and now want to move to Finland. ❤️ Having said that, I’m also focusing most of my energy there and (and Wordpress) and trying to get away from other social media. A few new people followed me on Insta, are you on my list now?

Now playing

This one. Timely, atmospheric, no wasteful dialogue. Cool. Highly recommended.

Don’t you get it? A famous lesbian did something wrong, therefore sexual assault and harassment against women does not exist! Geez do I have to explain everything here?

Ugh. Listen, I think women’s conventions are wonderful. But there are 2 big issues here. Both really need to be addressed using science. It bothers me when seemingly unqualified people are paid to organize conferences like this. The issues:

I understand your points but you have to admit, when companies like Nestle still use palm oil, admit to slave labor, and their CEO makes a formal video statement that poor people should pay for water (otherwise they won’t appreciate it) then I think it’s fair to say this may well be a decision signed off on and

A link to.....the clip? I think it’s right in the article.

Oh, and put a sign on the door telling guests in no uncertain terms to keep the door closed.

Did not know that!! 😮

1. Former veterinary nurse and animal shelter caregiver here. Best Beth Stern moment: when she called the guy over, scolded the entire room for hatting the pirate dog. Ripped off the hat in a fury of shelter-rage.

RIGHT? Has happened to me too. There are no words for these sickening shits. They should be hauled off on the spot.