
I think this kind of comment comes from someone who’s never lived on the street before. If you think an estranged husband is tough to live with, imagine hanging out on a damp, crap-covered sidewalk all night. I’ve been homeless and thank GOD for friends who took me in. But I promised to only stay for one week at each

Well played, troll. Well played.

That was actually the FIRST thing that struck me. What a misogynist chucklefuck this guy is. He’s rude, disrespectful, hair-trigger temper and arrogant (and probably a huge coward too). 

My sister as well. I can’t imagine my rage if anyone did this to her. This is the police department who has decided this behavior makes him a good cop. They’re on Twitter too. Let’s tell them how we feel about assultung a nurse while she screams and cries. http://www.slcpd.com/contact-us/

I’ll follow you and just let me know when you need to be ungreyed. As long as your comments fit my worldview.*

Can we treat these people like adults, please? Yes being out as trans or nonbinary comes with some risks, but it’s part of a much larger picture for them. Sure warn people about oppressive societies and governments. But telling people they should just hide their identity is just infantalizing them.  

Holy ignorance Batman. You do realize that Nigeria doesn’t tend to draft people visiting from Canada, right?

“Hey LGBT folks, now that you’re finally allowed to marry, we’re going to tear down your right to be on your partner’s health insurance, visit your partner in the hospital or inherit anything from them. Congratulations”!

Big Boy Pants is doing fine right now, but wait for a couple days when his feetsies get cold and his hair gets all mussy. I predict he’ll be increasingly petulant and colicky. They should make him stay there.

Yes, Ma’am. We go high.

Oh my god, yes. You hit the nail on the head. It was a grim, disturbing universe. Some of the monsters I liked, I thought were cute, I loved animals and ended up in a biology profession. Others were almost more like demons. They followed me around the house when the lights were off too. 😐

Worst concert ever.


From what I understand, some research suggests some babies hate clowns because it screws with your idea of what a normal face is supposed to look like. I’m not afraid of clowns, I always thought they were butt-ugly though and unfunny. (I get it though, phobias are different). I’m with King, WTF people it’s not his

No, Laura Dern. I disagree. Like other lines in the movie, that one dorky joke fell flat. You know what line was the second best? Yours when you were sitting at the table as a (female paleobotanist, no fuck that term) Paleobotanist.

I regularly speak to a group of Trump devotees. They’re not friends, but I see them often. They are hardcore Republicans. One of them is a veteran. I asked them how gleeful they must be for the transgender ban. They weren’t. “Do they have my back? Can they shoot straight? Are they willing to go into battle with me?

Who is that poor little girl? She looks like she’s being taken to the electric chair.

Used to send llamas with a note tied to their hooves.