
What the fuck do you think you’re watching, people? Are you convinced you accidentally turned on CSPAN? It’s a comedy show. What did you write in your angry letter to the Today show about THEIR right wing and ultra-religious propensities? Oh wait you don’t watch it? Bingo! Just shut it off. The Trump thing really

Sigh. He’s such a loudmouth, I’m pretty sure I’ve learned to tune him out. 🙄

This is true.

I think what you’re missing here is that usage of that phrase was not an oversight. Rather, it was intended to provoke. Leaving off that term might have provoked less distain not because it was more carefully worded but rather because it would have been deliberately less snide and less disrespectful. Do you see what I

I loved Frasier for the longest time and only later realized how sexist, homophobic and generally fucked up it was. And that Kelsey Grammar is a Republican. (Oddly they also spoke up for the environment). He is such a brilliant comedian and the show was great so how disappointing.

Yeah, Ive got my bumbling neighbor who bellows at his kids while tossing crap into the back of his SUV at 5 in the morning and wears a Trump cap to amuse me Tim Allen, thanks. The neighbor asks me innocent questions then pounces on anything liberalsounding - last week it was about my winterberry shrub feeding

I’m just curious, what words would be used instead?

Other photos are mostly women and WTF yellow painted toxic lips....

Now what is this poor kid supposed to do - live at the school? You know they’re gonna hunt them down once they get home.

Can someone explain to me why they aren’t going to be fined for this now that the city knows exactly where to send the bill?

What you’re really saying is that poor women should die alone. Because having a male partner, a committed boyfriend, a husband, you really think they will be fine with “sorry honey just so you know I’m asexual from now on until we’re rich”.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I reluctantly call my mom and subject myself to her weirdness for mother’s day, then I spend the rest of the day trying to cleanse my mind of the experience with fun movies, quiet and meditation. I can’t even stand to go out for a jog because the world is saturated with sickening

Total sympathies here. Are you trying to have a real relationship with her? As you know from your year off, things become infinitely easier if you arent. If you want a relationship, Id say dont send her anything and let her ask you why. Be as honest as possible and see how she responds. That will tell you

I’m relieved to see more estrangement posts than on the last one. While losing a loved one is excruciating, I get almost zero understanding when I say my mother is alive but was so abusive I can’t be around her. 2 totally separate issues. Good to commiserate with others here! Everything my mom does is to gain

I don’t think anyone ever meant it that way. If someone elbowed me in the face and knew it, I would expect a loud and clear apology at the very least. If someone elbowed me and genuinely had no idea they did that, I would be pissed but would expect to ask them for an apology. If someone brushed their sleeve against my

Thank you! Was I imagining that Obamacare changed some law about pre-existing cond. in Massachusetts? I guess I’ll find out when my seasonal health insurance kicks in!

Shut up!

Bless you for this article. Id like to see a law that forced insurers to give a discount for all my exercise, yoga and eating like a goddamned saint.