
So I get how they kept going after Charlie left and Ashton came in as a replacement for one of the two men. But how did they keep going after the "half" left? Did they just not care that their show was called Two and a Half Men anymore?

Oh wow, really? I've only ever gotten the weird looks when I went to South Africa, never Europe.

I am SO over Giuliani capitalizing on 9/11. I totally get that he was at the front lines and he had a hell of a job at the time, and hey, he didn't do a terrible job. But SHUT UP. It was 13.5 years ago. If that is your only way to back up why you are allowed to make your point and why you're still in the public eye,

Ah okay, the context does help.

You make a good point. It's like the US. And then the rest of the world is North Korea. I think there are really people who think like that.

Yeah, I REALLY do not get the anti-colonialism point. I'm usually pretty good at deciphering what Republicans are really trying to say, but this has me flummoxed.

I HATE when people say that criticism shows that you're not patriotic. No. Shut up. I'm critical of the US because I'm patriotic. I see our potential as a country and I see that we're totally not living up to that potential. I want us to improve because I think we deserve it and I think that we can. This blind

A claymation version would've been so clutch. I would've actually paid decent money for that.

I find that very endearing. I know that if anything I wrote ever were to be turned into a movie I'd be seriously starstruck, too.

Oh my god that needs to happen.

SO HERE for a Demi/Kelly collab.

It was high 20s yesterday and I had my jacket slightly unzipped and the air didn't feel like it was stabbing my chest and it felt like being on a Caribbean island basically.

Can we talk about that fire pit though? That's fucking incredible.

Yeah, I mean I agree that she sounds a little arrogant here, but I don't think she sounds as bad as the article implies. She's dedicated her life to fashion and worked really hard and then Kanye rolls in with his big name (having worked hard in the music industry) and sells some pretty stupid things at a high price.

Seriously? HOW can people really have a problem with what she said, which was basically just her standing up for herself?

It's telling how offended* she was about the cast of Selma wearing the "I can't breathe" shirts. I would almost understand her point if it was basically a RomCom with a mostly black cast**, but their movie was about the Civil Rights Movement and it was released during the fall out from events that prove just how far

I love when people pat themselves on the back and say they're not racist, because at least we're not them, amirite?

Also, Jez should post a whole article on Jessica Williams's brilliant take down, because she really hit some great points.

He cares so much about journalism.

That whole lip attachment thing sounds so painful!